For Kiseop

Hey! Everybody ^O^ I know some of you know that Lee Kiseop from U-Kiss is my favorite K-Pop Idol ^~^

If some of you don't know O_O Well at least you know already *O*

Anyway I know that I'm talking nonsense or random now but I want to show you something O.o

hehe! This is the abstract that I did earlier in my Materials Class ^O^

And Kiseop came up to my mind ^~^ When my professor give back my work n_n I'm going to give it to him when U-Kiss will come back here in Philippines ^^

Note: I'm going to make a new one because it was messy TT_TT

But Like I said in the note *O* I'm going to make a new one ^O^ And besides it was really fun ^~^

I'm going to try my best to give my artwork to Kiseop personally ^~^ It's a good thing that my older brother's friend is one of the staff when K-Pop artists are here for Fan Signing, Conceret and promotion of their song ^O^

Wish me luck ^O^ And I want to know your opinion about my work O_O


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I want to come and meet them again Sarachan XD
oohhh!!!! that's cool!!<br />
good luck on meeting U-kiss again! n_n
lolisho #3
Ooh! what a cool piece!^^V<br />
You're so lucky!! I wanna go to the Phils~~ T^T
Omo!! So lucky, Here in Australia we never get any k-pop artists. makes me sad.