40 secrets about yourself (stolen somewhere in the internet)


1. What is your natural hair color?
    caramel brown
2. Where was your profile picture taken?
3. What's your middle name?
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
      honestly i dont have any, but i have husbands that doesn't even know of my frigging existence.
6. What is your current mood?
7.What color underwear are you wearing?
     PINK (striped pink with white to be exact)
8.What makes you happy?
     what is happiness  anything. i would laugh at anything if im in the mood.
9. What’s The Last Thing You Bought?
      a ticket/token? for the booths in my school's festival and smth
10. If you could go back in time, and change something about yourself what would it be?
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would it be?
12. Ever had a near death experience?
        near death? hmmmm... but im actually dying right now.
13. Something you do a lot?
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?
        just a random tone i developed some part of my brain
15. Since when did you start liking your crush? Be Honest.
       i told you i dont have a crush ;A;
16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
        someone from Miss A... i cant remember who
17. When was the last time you cried?
       crying without any particular reason = last night; idk... tears just goes out of my eyes whenever it wants to go out
18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?
        i cant remember
19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
       teleportation or telekenesis...
20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite ?
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks
        but they just serve coffee... i dont know what's the difference they're all coffee!! CAPPUCCINO!!! I frigging love CAPPUCINO!! and it sets me on high!!!
22. What’s your biggest secret?
      that i dont really have a secret/lmao
23. What's your favorite color?
        if you would count black and white as colors... then, thats it. if not blue or crimson red
24. When was the last time you lied?
        a few seconds ago
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
       YES!!! IM PROUD OF IT
27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
         sadly, none. but im grabbing some food now OTL
28. Do you speak any other language?
         Filipino, English, Basic Korean and Japanese, a little Spanish?
29. What's your favorite smell?
30. If you could describe life in one word what would it be?
31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?
        a few hours ago
32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
        lol no
33. What are you thinking about right now ?
        about how can i make an edible food right now bc no one's home to make food for me
34. What should you be doing ?
        change clothes... because im still in my school uniform
35. What was the last thing that made you upset?
        we lost in the championship game
37. Do you like working in the yard?
        no, maybe, idk
38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
        Potato... lmao
39. Name 5 things in your closet.
        clothes, medals, posters, toys, bags
40. Do you act different around your crush?


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mwuhahaha. This is sooo you. XD
"but im actually dying right now."



Cool.. O u O