One of the best dream :')

I just had one of the best dream. :D it's about a long time crush.. 

and it was just so beautiful.

we kinda lost contact and all... and people said that he used to like me back then, but we were both just too afraid to make a move.

and i've always regretted it. 

but last night, in my dream,  i met him and we kinda talk and all. and he's like "I still like you.." 

And we talked about our feelings and how it never goes away and how we were such a coward and all.




i woke up 


the worst thing is, every time you woke up from a nice, beautiful dream, you end up feeling so down and kinda disappointed that the dream wasn't real. And it was like a reminder of how cowardly we were being and what might happen if we're not being a coward...

so yeah.. lol

just had to rant about here lol



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i used to have a dream like that before~ It's so nice, the feeling of having a dream of your crush, your love and etc. but the disappointment was there when you woke up everytime