Happy Birthday My Beautiful, Fluffy, y-as-hell, Youngjae :D

Okay, so it's still the 23rd from where I'm from but oh well, who gives a . Not me. SO I'd like to dedicate this blog post to the iest and most adorable person in the whole world, Yoo Youngjae.


Dearest Youngjae,

Happy Birthday!


I know there are probably a gajillion other girls out there who love you (dammit I don't really want to share but....) and support you, and compared to them, I probably fail as both a Brainbox and a Baby...BUT, do know that I'll love you forever, even when you're old and wrinkly and in some kind of relationship with your significant other.

Now that I think about it, I established you as my bias the moment I laid eyes on you and your name. At first I was like 'ok, another boy band. Coo Coo. I'll check them out and see what they've got for me to nosebleed over'. SO I scrolled down and saw you and I freaked out because 1) Youngjae's my favorite korean boy name and 2) You were gorgeous as 3) YOU WERE SMART TOO

In the beginning, I doubted B.A.P would be engraved in my heart (mind you, this was before I saw the actual Warrior MV so don't chop my head off)......BUT LOOK AT ME NOW. YOU DAMN PERFECT BEASTS. WHAT THE HELL. LOOK AT ME NOW BECAUSE OF YOU. YOU'RE THE CAUSE OF MOST OF THE THINGS I CURRENTLY DO IN LIFE. I NEVER USE TO FANGIRL, OR SQUEAL, OR DIE, OR FLIP ANY ING TALBES UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG INTO MY LIFE. Not that I regret it.

But seriously, once I came to know how you on the variety shows, I couldn't help but truly truly love you from the very bottom of my heart.

I'll always support you, no matter what because I think you are a wonderful person both in front and behind cameras.

In fact you are my role model. The way you always strive to do better and prove the world wrong really inspires me. Whenever I feel like I can't do something, I'll think of you and then I'll feel motivated to do better to prove to myself and the rest of the world that I'm not a failure. (and dammit, I'm gonna miss your fluffyness when you have those chocolate abs of yours. With or without abs, I will love you forever and ever until the entire world gets sick of my love and kicks me off to some other far-off planet like B124AP224 (well, if they're leaving me there then HELL YEAH I WOULDN'T COMPLAIN)).

You're smart

A mind-blowing singer




y as





Such a tease

Did I mention y?

But yes. I would list more but then I would run out of room so I'll stop here (DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH EFFORT IT TOOK TO ACTUALLY STOP LISTING DOWN THE BEAUTIFUL ASPECTS OF YOUR PERSONALITY?!). Moving on...

We BABYz are proud of you and your achievements, and the rest of the world who-in their damn lonely miserable lives-think you are any less than Best. Absolute. Perfection. So always keep your head up and always do your best, knowing that we're always going to be behind you supporting you in any way we can. Keep giving your 110% effort because I know you'll go even farther.

And most of all....

Keep Living Your Dream. Because it's beautiful.

Take care of yourself always and keep living. You have plenty of years ahead of you, so I hope you enjoy them with me and the rest of the BABYz.


*sigh* If anyone actually read this and managed to live through it, tell me and I will reward you with a cookie. Or anything daejae related, really. Maybe. Sort of. xD

Oh, so I guess it's 12 now, huh.


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we need to get you a youngjae ;'c
i can feel the loooove ; u ;

omfg should i just mail you him or. omfg beautiful unni! : ')
I want my Daejae... anyways!

This was freakin' beautiful and heck, I love Youngjae and this time... I couldn't help but put my possessiveness aside and think that... GOD. I'm not alone... I'm not the only one who dies every single time that this guys appears... or even only reading his name... I'm not the only one that supports him -and B.A.P of course- to no end. ANYWAYS~ I want lost of pics from Daejae, ara? o u o
kim_a_win #3
Reward mehhhhh!

I managed to make it out alive! xD
OMFG Unnie.


My feels.
wow, this is what i always want to say to my son Yoo Youngjae..
BlueViolet122 #5
You almost described all my feelings for Youngjae in one post! Woah!