The Guru's Love- Application Form "Kim Jae Hee"



aff name:MelodyJanetPhan

aff link:   here!


The Personals

name: Kim Jae Hee (Melody Phan)

age: 19

height: 1.65 cm

weight:50 kg

where you live: Seoul

personality: Melody is a girl who is very very passionate about makeup and art. Her interest in makeup started when she was 12. Also her older sister Michelle Phan (also a youtube guru)  helped her to improve in her passion. She had always loved K-Pop ever since she was 12. And one day, she filmed a makeup tutorial and uploaded it to youtube when she was 14. People loved her videos and she kept putting them. Now she is one of the most-known gurus on youtube.


She used to be very insecure about her appearance because she was a fat girl when she was 13. But she really stood up for herself and lost weight with the help and motivation of all of her youtube viewers and subscribers. She hates liars and bullies. She loves nature very much.She never bulliest people but she has a very diva-ish side. She usually shows her diva side to most of the people. But the loving side of her, can only be seen by a special someone.


likes: Fashion, Dogs, Shopping, Makeup (Of course :D),Green Tea, Poetry, Coffee, Decorating

dislikes: Liars, Small rooms, Bad smells,

hobbies: Singing, Painting and Dancing

fears: Heights, Death, Losing my loved ones,Chicken (yep, chicken :D)

any jobs/colleges you are currently attending: -

trivia: She is the little sister of Michelle Phan, the youtube guru. She was 90 kilos when she was 13. But she lost weight. She is now 50 kg.


The Looks

ulzzang name: Jang Hae Byeol

ulzzang pictures: 1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8  9

back up: If my first ulzzang is not available, please  inform me ^^ If it is not available don't accept me. Thank you author-nim.



The Guru

youtube job: Makeup Guru

how did you find this passion?:I was playing with my mother’s makeup when I was just a little girl and I found it very interesting.

how long have you been doing this?:5 years.

where do you get your inspiration?:Kpop Artists, People, Love, Fashion,Trends, Life… I get inspiration from just anything!


The Love

love interest: Niel

personality: (Give me details so I know how to portray him in the story)

second love interest:Zelo

Does he go to school/work?: (Please list what he does / where he goes to school) He goes to college and he is working at a coffee shop near his house.

how would you like to meet?: I would like to meet him at the coffee shop.

how do you act around each other?: We would not get on at the first time but after we would end up getting best friends and after that, lovers.

what are the first main features you see when you look at him?: His lips and his hair.


Thank You!

anything else?: Thank you author-nim ^^

any scene suggestions?: Niel would be serving coffee to me and when we have eye contact, he would drop the coffee but catch it back. After that he would hide behind the counter J




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