Don't you hate your "crush" sometimes?

Don't you HATE when you're trying to give up on your crush..and then


He goes and does something to make your heart flutter all about?
Yeah that??


I've been sad...not really..more like pissed..angry lately..
I tried so hard...not really...
okay i got the courage to talk to him..
We became friends...
He gave me his digits..
He was the LAST person on my birthday to say happy birthday to me...(he promised he would)
and he...does all these little things to make me like him...

AND..I kind of figured out...I'm not the girl he likes /:; //flips table
why does he torture me?
does he know I like him?
O____________O 3

Yesterday we talked,cuz he told me to check out his band's new song(yeah he's in a band >____< I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS IN ONE WEN I FIRST LIKED HIM KAY! I LIKED HIM FOR...his weirdness xD)
and then...i kept being mean to him...
and then out of nowhere he goes and says
"I feel like your being mean to me? ha
Are you mad"

I was.............alot...because of him..
asdfghjkl; cuz yo!
I hate wen people text you..and then you guys have a pretty good convo...then BAAM...they stop replying .-.

he stopped texting me on Saturday so YEAH i was PRETTY pissed..
I waited a whole week....for HIM to text ME...cuz...yeah....ha...(my friends tell me that i shouldn't be the one texting him...)
and then to stopped texting me?

Well anyways..are conversation went pretty deep..
I told him that me being mean=how i show my love (I can't express my feelings well actually)
and that yeah..i was kind of mad..
He then went on to make me feel like he cared..
"Are you okay?"
I answered that i calmed down..
and's a growing thing(i've been getting mad alot lately... >.<)
He then said...he understood..and it was respectable..and that
"but you felt love and hate at the same time"
THIS FGDFJDHFSABNDFDFDN dude...i swear..?!?!
HOWW??????????!!!!!!!!!!! meow...
lol then i went on to say
"How do you know these things.......? .-."

And you know what he said?
"The way you are,ha
I observe people!
things i love"

So wait...does that mean he loves me?
More likely as a friend right /;

daehyun...please love me? <3

after that i switched the topic..and made it weird..
then he did the 
face alot..and i saw a picture post does look like a whale.. haha

and he said...
"His name is Blue
blue like the ocean
Blue the whale"

so i proposed to the whale..
(best color ever yoooo) x)

and he put
":D" know what he thought i said?
because i asked him
"What did Blue say?"
and he said
"The whale? Oh I thought you mean me :P"

EDRFTGHHJHGFDSNHFGA does that mean..he accepts getting married to me? >___________<
why is he complicated..

i deleted his contact before...but before i did..i memorized the first 3 digits..
So yeah wen he texted me..i knew it was him...then...... <3
i found out his full name..
haha so mexican i swear !
But its cute...i like it alot........................

asdfghngjdskasmnfg dfsdsksjdfndsekjawefnrejwqkwme

WHAT AM I SAYING !!!!!!!!!!


okay yeah i just needed to pour my thoughts out...ahhhh


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=( I LOVE YOU!~ Maybe he's just not your type? Well, every girl has to go through that in a relationship...maybe he's trying to play hard to get?
Wow... see this is how much unnie loves you that i read this lol is that creepy?? .__.
Anyways~ dude, I get why you're so frustated lol I would be too