DIARY: January 2013

So, January will end in 10 days.
I was supposed to update some of my stories last week but I couldn't.
I posted the reason through my Twitter @AFFkyuri91 that heavy rain caused flood, trapping me in my house. There was no electricity, meaning I could do nothing that I only had my phone to connect me with outer world.
Therefore it's impossible for me to update any stories.
However, during the blackout, I tried to find my inspiration so, well, I guess I have plenty of ideas now.
What I need now is time. ;)
Top Priority:
I need to finish this story with my best idea before it reaches 2 years. LOL
The plot for the next eight chapters are already developed in mind. kkk~
Yoseob's chapter will be up soon. ;)
I guess subscribers will ask for an update as soon as possible, eh? Will do soon~~~
Less Priority (as for now):
It will be kind of difficult to describe the upcoming chapters so, please, be patient.
Having the idea is not enough; I need to map everything in place first for this story. Carefully, I must say. ;)
(Important) Side Notes:
My one and only collaboration story. Will definitely take a while because we're doing our best. :)
43rd Story: The Day I Love You More
Will start around March, I guess.
44th Story: Cursed Gift (???)
The title might change but the draft is in my computer folder already. * evil smirk *
Random Trivia:
My current favorite new songs in playlist. I recommend you! :D
by 2YOON feat Ilhoon of BTOB
Rain Sound
by B.A.P.
I'm Sorry
Without You
by INFINITE H feat Zion.T


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LOL xD all the songs you've write is at my phone too...listening to them everyday... hehehe ^^

Good Luck!! FIGHTING!! <3