Day 2: Your favourite member and why

Firstly, I just really wanna say that it is almost impossible to choose a bias in a group. It is like asking me to choose between pizza and the internet. There will always be at least this one member that messes up your bias list every single day.

HOWEVER, it is almost impossible...almost. 
If you didn't already know, my ultimate bias is that fatass who loves only food and also the noisiest member that never seems to stop his blabberings. 

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I can't really remember who used to be my bias in B.A.P, I think it should be Himchan. 
But then I started noticing Daehyun a lot through their interviews, where he always wears this mask. It made me more curious about him. So I search more videos of him, and he is just so...squishable(?) 
When he smiles/laughs, it is the most adorable thing ever. 
And that growl he does in 'Power' should be illegal because it kills so many fangirls/fanboys.
Did I mentioned his Busan accent...? Well, don't even get me started on that. I had spent hours listening to him talking in satoori, and I really thought I died aftermath from all the iness. 
PS: I will kindly save the rest for day 12...


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I havent heard too much of him speaking in dialect, I'll have to by the sound of it.

I couldnt agree with you more - he's so friggin adorable one moment and then the next it's all like 'BAM Y BLAST'!!