No title as of now >

I can feel the covers being removed from my body. My mother is waking me up telling me I'm late for class and of course I can't be late because it's the FIRST DAY of school.

"5 more minutes mom" I mumbled. "Mom you're face! I heard her say. "I'm not your mom dude! Get up or we'll be late on our first day of school!" Oh, it's not my mother. It was Ihra, my best friend. I opened, rubbed my eyes and started getting ready. I ran towards the bathroom and took a quick bath. I put on my uniform, brushed my teeth, tied my hair up leaving my full bang hanging, and put on my glasses. This isn't really a special day for me, just another day to be bored. "Yah! Come down now and eat your breakfast! We are leaving soon" Ihra shouted. "Coming!" I lazily replied. I ran downward and headed to the kitchen where Ihra was waiting for me. She has prepared our breakfast as well as our lunch. Yes, we bring food to school because I avoid going to the canteen, I hate crowded places and as my friend, she decided to just eat with me in our classroom. She's really a great friend!

"You didn't prepare for school." She was right! I really didn't prepare at all. I hate scholl for all you know. There's nothing to do there. You have to keep on listening to whatever the teacher says in front. I sighed, I can't wait for this day to finish, forgive me, I know it has only started but I want to finish it off already. "Hey! Why is it that even though you didn't listen to the teachers or our lectures, you were still able to hold your title of being number 1 on our school?" Ihra asked me. Well basically, yeah, you heard her right. I am the school's ace even though I don't listen to discussions because I don't want to. How I manage to be number 1? Simple, it's because I study alone. It's the only thing I do on my boring life. Read. Read. And continously READ. And so when the school is up, I no longer have to listen. "Let's go!" my thought were interrupted again. I stood up and followed her.

I remember, I am living with Ihra for years now. We met when we were on middle school. I am living with her because I came to Korea ALONE. My parents sent me here for some unknown reason. I don not care though as long as they sent money for my living and constantly calling me. Back to the original topic, we are now on our 2nd year of high school and it's always the same thing, nothing special.

Finally, we arrived at school. I noticed the girls from my class gathered in one corner of our room spazzing over something I don't give a d**n. I was looking at them when suddenly, I felt someone tugging on my uniform. I look behind me and found that it was Ihra doing it. "What?" I asked. "Have you heard? There will be new comers in our class!" I can tell that she was excited. "So" I hissed. I really don't care if we will have new classmates whatsoever. "Tch. You know what?I also heard they're handsome" she mumbled. "THEY?!" I asked getting curious. Oh great! She got me there! "Yes! And I heard the'ye somewhat famous or something near to that" she kept on blabbering. And there! That's the only thing we have in common. We are so out-of-date, as in totally not updated! We are some kind of geeks. Ihra is school's top 2 but unlike me, she loves school and she loves listening to discussions. Exactly opposite! "Famous huh" I said to her as I concentrated to what I am reading.

All of a sudden, our homeroom teacher entered the room which made our classmate hurry back to their seats. I luaghed at them. She was saying something but I didn't bother listening. I returned to reading because this book is way more interesting than what she is saying. I was also listening to my Ipod when out of a sudden, the chair beside me moved. A guy with a blonde hair sat next to mine, and guess what! He was SMILING at me. He was freakin' smiling at me! I look at him with a disgusted and irritated expression which I guess he noticed because he asked me 'WHY'. I didn't answer him and just focused on what I am reading again but I can clearly see that he was still gazing and smiling at me through my peripheral view.

I turned around to look at Ihra to only see her smiling smirking at me. 'What's wrong with her?' I thought to myself and just returned to my last resort... READING. See? That's how boring my life is!I looked to my left to only see my SEATMATE staring at me. "What?!" I asked him exasperatedly. "You're beautiful" he said to me. I turned around and saw another GUY. 'Could it be that he is gay? Oh Gosh! He's GAY! He's GAY! HAHAHA. He's GAY! This GUY oh no, he is freaking GAAAAAAAY' I shrugged at the thought that this guy beside is actually gay! "I am talking about you!" he said, interrupting my happy funny thoughts! "Pardon?" I told him now with a serious face. "I said you're beautiful." he repeated. Whoa! I'm what?! Beautiful?! Is he blind? A while ago, he was GAY, now he is BLIND. This guy is funny! Thinking that I am beautiful, that was beyond crazy. I'm beautiful? PFFT. Me? I am wearing LARGE READING GLASSES! And they said I am ugly. Oh I believed them. And this punk beside me was the second to tell that I am actually beautiful. But still, it's funny!!!

"And what makes you say that? Are you blind or something?" I said to the blonde-haired boy. "Yes you are! Especially when when you remove this thing --" HE! He is going to remove my glasses! Freaking NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !! I slapped his hand and glared at him "Don't you DARE!"



What can be the title of this story? >< ..

I'm so confused now~~


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