I've been talking to some folks, and after noticing all the hate, I think we should do something about it. Maybe not confront if, because that would lead to pointless arguments with far too many butthurt folks, but by doing something else: encouraging authors. There are far too many fan fictions and rants that put down those on AFF, so I was thinking--inspired by Van and what she blogged about a while back (in her blog, she was saying that her school buddies gave gifts to each other on Mondays, to start the week off)--that on Monday, we should all at least go out of our way for a single minute, find a fan fiction from an author we've never spoken or seen before, and compliment at least one thing about their story. Even if you don't like the story or find it to be of "high quality", it's always nice to hear a compliment, right? So let's spread the love and hopfully, it'll help AFF flourish into a better community despite all the bitter, spiteful bullcrap that's on AFF. 

If we do this, maybe Mondays won't be such a drag and people will be encouraged to write more, as well as comment. If you're silent reader, remember, authors do live and thrive off comments.

Thoughts? And if you think it's a good idea, spread the word? 

I think I'll start doing this. ^^


Edit: This is Project: Spread the Love.

Let's do this! :D


Second edit: if you don't know where to find the authors, check the front page or look at the top of the page and hit the "random story" button.(:


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