Day 1: Your first impression of Best Absolute Perfect.

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(credits goes to its rightful owner)

B.A.P debuted in 2012. And from 1992 to 2013, the number of k-groups debuted in 2012 was the highest. Probably not a great year for all the rookies, there's too much competition. /sobs/

ANYWAY, the first video I watched of B.A.P wasn't even their MV, I think it was one of their live performances of Warrior when they just debuted. And the first thing I noticed was that they all had blond hair...
I wasn't even watching with a mindset of trying to figure out who is who, I only happened to see halfway through their performance. And at that time, I think it was Yongguk that was rapping then followed by Himchan. And right after that was Youngjae's voice I heard. 
I WAS TOTALLY NOT IMPRESSED. And I assumed that all of them have deep voices. I even told my friends about them by saying 'the rookie boy group with deep vocals'. ROFL. *facepalm* 
I absolutely took no liking to any one of them. I ing thought that they were ugly, and the funny thing was I didn't even get a clear look of their faces! OMG I GUESS I WAS TOTALLY NOT IN MY RIGHT MIND AT THAT TIME. After watching that particular performance, I never bothered to watch any of their MVs and live performances. I basically took them off my mind and forgot that B.A.P even exist....UNTIL THE NEAR END OF 2012. 
Oh god...It took me close to a year from their debut to finally rediscover them and actually took an interest in them. 
I rmb I was watching BtoB's videos on Youtube, and many of B.A.P's videos were in the suggestion list, so I decided to click on one of it. And I basically started watching almost every single one of their videos, did research on them, and found out as much as I possibly could of every members. And I landed in the state I'm currently in...I'm head over heels in love with every single one of them. 



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My first impression was "Who the f*** is who?"