I'm Sorry!

Hey guys.. 


Recently, I've been really really busy..
So I couldn't update "My Lovely Baby Daughter (Super Junior)" on time..


But forgive me, guys..

I'm still a student and I'm about to take my national exams this year.

and time is #1 in my most wanted list right now..

There's just tons of things to study for or homework to do, and school ends late everyday!

I'm even considering replacing my guitar lessons for tutoring lessons..


And, Me, being an art student, doesn't help at all!

I've already receive my exam papers, and it haven't even been 2 weeks since i return to school.

These things recently is driving me crazy!


My school, recently canceled some classes of the graduating classes for a assembly at the hall.

And when we're there, they made us watch our seniors receive their national exam results.

After that, I seriously think my school is an extreme sadist.

Half of people there were crying.

Not the way you normally do. The way you do, when someone dies.

Literally crying while the screaming going on.


That scene, scared the out of me. Big time.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one. Everyone was.

It will get you questioning yourself if it'd be the same for you when you get your results.


And I recently found out that my school wasn't the only one who has this sick tradition..

Every single school in my country has it.


Anyway, That scene really made me, who used to be an optimist, want to study hard.

After all, that exam isn't just any test. It determines my future.


So, I hope you guys understands me for not updating on time.

I'm not entirely slacking off on writing chapters too, you know.

That's what all I'm doing on my second language classes.

Not that I hate my second language, but I feel the classes are really a waste of time.

I'm in the first class for my second language (meaning the best) but the teacher is treating us like a bunch of idiots.

I mean, it's like your 10th grade teacher teaching you ABC all over again.


Speaking of which, I have some advice for authors (who aren't taking national exams)!

Not wanting your friends finding you writing chapters in class?

Not wanting the teacher to suspect you of doing something else in class?

Use a highlight pen to write your chapters!

It's hard to read, unless you stick your face to the paper.

And teachers would think that you're just highlighting notes.

Brilliant idea, right?

You're welcome!


Back to the topic,


is what I'm caught up with.

I'm not giving up my stories, nor I'm going to stop writing.

So bear with me. I will update!


Thank you, my lovely readers!

Peace out!




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