KPop and skinny girls in general make me feel fat.

I'm 17, and I am 5'4" give or take. No actually, subtract 0.5 inches off of that... LMAO. I weigh 121 lbs. When I see all these women flaunting their S-Lines, X-Lines, insert-any-letter-in-the-alphabet-lines, I automatically compare my body to theirs. 

And then my self-esteem plummets. 

I'm an active person who prefers the outdoors more than the indoors. I live in Canada, and yes, an exception is if it's -40ºC outside. But other than that, I like to go out and go for a jog in the morning or afternoon. Maybe walk my dog in the woods - called the "Hobo Forest" - behind my neighbourhood. I also have this ritual of going to the gym every Saturday. If I don't, I increase my morning jog distance from 3 miles to 4. However, I really try to hit the treadmill instead of the trails during winter, because there is no way in hell that I'm jogging outside when it's 30 below with 20 cm of snow. Not to mention that in spring, the sidewalks become very deadly with melting ice and mud.

Yeah.... I'm beginning to see myself as an exercise addict. But hey, it's a good stress reliever. Stimulates the release of endorphins. Exercise or chocolate.... Hm.

However, I'm a huge eater. My mom always says that my stomach is like a bottomless pit. As a result, my exercise goes to waste. =_= When you watch interviews of SNSD and their diets and how the members say they don't actually do those because they LOVE to eat, *whispers* they're lying. Exercise and insane practice hours do not amount to slender bodies (I want to say sticks, but I might get shot). Also, sleep deprivation and very minimal meal portions may also be causes, but those are very unhealthy. Don't try them. Plus, if the members eat a lot, but exercise and do yoga, pilates, and all that feel-the-buuuurrrnnn crap, then SNSD would be freaking buff. So proper diet is definitely a factor. Don't let their "We eat more than Super Junior" statements fool you guys T_T. 

In my opinion, Sistar and Secret are the only girl groups that look anywhere near healthy. 

But generally, there really are some girls who eat a lot and don't gain weight. I HATE THOSE GIRLS. GIVE ME YOUR HIGH METABOLISM. 

So yeah, KPop makes me feel fat, because if I stand next to those girls, I'll probably look like Big MamaxArnold Shwarzenegger (I'm pretty tan for an Asian, kay).


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exo-is-shining #1
I'm Asian, and 5'6". My aunty has this little daughter (nine) who does ballet and all that and her legs are all muscle and she eats heap but doesn't gain anything. So as a result of this, my aunty is FOREVER comparing me to her daughter. It , and it makes me feel horrible.
SNSD is too skinny...
Tell me about it... Kpop and the korean beauty standard can make 90% of the female westerners feel big, fat and ugly >.<
But yeah, they have personal trainers, diet plans (I don't believe in the 'we exercise a lot and eat more than suju' crap either) and a beauty team... and let's face it, for a normal white person their bodies are nowhere near perfect...
so I'm gonna be happy with the fact that I have a and a chest XD