My Oneshot Application

Username: Sarapyon

Means of contact: Email/AFF:

Character Name: Park Sangrae

Short description of personality: I'm simple and kind, I always care for others than myself. I love to be with my friends and talk a lot of stuff and I'm scared to be alone, it's my weakness. I don't talk a lot, I only talk when I'm with my friends. I'm straightforward and when I'm angry I'll control my temper but when it's already at the limit I'll tell everything the reason I was angry. I always do puppy dog eyes to make my friends agree to what I want. I'm not really smart but very athletic in sports especially in softball, volleyball and soccer. I have my own world sometimes thinking what I should do next in my life. I try to be cute with other people because of my eyes. Sometimes I spend a lot of time to paint or draw than hanging out with my friends. Painting is the only thing I do to forget all of my problems and stress. I try to be funny but  I end up being teased because I can't be funny

Partner: Lee Kiseop from U-Kiss

Famous or not?: Not

Partner's personality: His cool and charismatic but he's really mysterious sometimes because of his appearance, not if you know him well his really kind, sweet and caring. He's shy to be with other people that's why he keeps to be mysterious. He tries to be cool but in the end it will end up into cuteness. He loves to dance and his really passionate to it. His good at pouting that's why many people can forgive his mistakes *O*

Plot: Sangrae loves art so much that she always spend her time to paint after class everyday. One day Kiseop starts going back to school and how the way his mysterious personality always makes her get his attention. Kiseop was sleeping inside the art class where she always paint. Sangrae tried to ignore him but it makes her really nervous when she's near to Kiseop.

Other characters you would like to appear: U-Kiss and JYJ (Park Yoochun as my older brother)


Genre: Drama, Romance,


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