Annoying Fans


In 2011, I got into Kpop, which I’m glad I did because it got me off my obsession with Justin Bieber and now has given me complete immunity towards guys of any other race. Now, I’m not writing this as a personal attack because there are annoying, immature fans all around the world, not only in kpop but all around the world too. I’m sure we can all identify with some of these people. I see fan wars on YouTube all the time actually, it’s pretty funny.

1.       Fans that start fan wars by going to a video and commenting on them with words like “” and “”. It’s pointless and rude and immature. I see most of this from SONES commenting on Hyuna’s videos. (NOW I AM A SONE I’M JUST BEING HONEST WITH WHAT KIND OF EXPERIENCES I’VE HAD, PLEASE DON’T KILL ME)

2.       Hypocritical fans. I’ve stuck with T-ara (and I’m not even a diadem) throughout their entire controversy, a fan isn’t there to judge what kind of a person you are, you’re there to enjoy the music and entertain yourself with their variety shows and such. Being a funny, interesting television personality takes wit and fast thinking so what they show on screen is naturally, just the tip of the ice-berg. We don’t really know two hoots about what they’re really like. I hate it when fans leave a fandom due to a slight mistake. We’re all human, we all make mistakes and idols are so far from being perfect. We should respect that.

3.       Delusional fans. These fans are the most laughable and the most immature and the most annoying. We’ve all made jokes about how we’re going to marry our biases and how perfect people’s abs are and stuff but I highly doubt any of us actually meant it. I’d like to believe that despite some craziness going on here; most of the people on AFF are pretty nice and understanding. Now those who actually believe it all (that they’re really going to marry a kpop idol)…. Well I have nothing to say.

4.       “I love Korea” fans. Now, before you started bashing me with a stick, I’d like to explain this. I have a friend who wasn’t into kpop until a year ago and now she is so into it, she supported Korea over Australia AND China (which are her home countries) and refused to listen to Adele’s original of “Rolling in the Deep” because she was a “kpop” fan and only listened to Tiffany’s version. This is ridiculous. Yes, you can love your precious idols and you can support Korea in the Olympics but please, have some dignity. That’s just taking it too far.

5.       Saesang fans. These people are downright ignorant and stupid. Slapping your idol just so he will remember you? What kind of logic is that? The fans that truly love and respect their idols respect their privacy too. Geez…. And paying 400 dollars a day just to follow your idols in their own van? That’s pretty hilarious.

Okay so I’m done with my rants about fans and I’m afraid I’m going to be bricked very badly now. TT^TT



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XxBlackBeat #1
I'm part of the delusional fsns,.. lawlz ♥ OTL
I so agree with you.. .you've got a point on all of these.
I hope you don't mind me commenting ^^

Gosh I can't tell you how annoyed I get with fanwars and sasaeng fans. Sasaeng fans are just-why? The idols need their space to guys and gals, I don't think those sasaeng fans would like it if people were following THEM around all day.

Number two is another thing that bugs me. It's like-you've supported that group for how many years and all of a sudden some fans just up and say 'Oh I'm not a fan of this group anymore' because of a scandal? Like the IU/Eunhyuk thing gosh some fans were annoying me when that thing happened -__-

Anywho like I said hope you don't mind me commenting ^^
I believe that I'll marry my bias........IN MY DREAMS XD
Hahaha, but seiously agreeing! You should never bash on another group or start fanwars ><
Agree with you soooo much! And then there are those people who are like "oh this band is copying this one" or "they aren't as good as ___".
Have you watched 24/7? I was watching it happily and then people were like "oh they're copying Miley Cyrus and BAP." Just because they say boom boom clap. Really? These types of fans are just ..Ugh.
Ambertastic_baby #6
LOL I love this
You forget about the New Fans, which recently get into Kpop and think they know more about everything over you and the "My Idol can't be in a ralationship" fan which can't accept that there humans too entitled to human emotions like love.

Ps. I agreed with everything. 1,2,3 and 5 especially annoy me the most. 4 is just obnoxious.
bringbringtelephone #8
*fans sorry about that
bringbringtelephone #9
I hate annoying fanes too!