
*sigh* I am so bored. I'm hungry, but no one has gone grocery shopping so there is nothing to eat. Ahhh....I'm in such a whiny mood right now. I want to watch Takumi-Kun but I can't find my iPod charger as that is where it is downloaded to and it just died out. My stupid hair dye is fading, so sad..

I must be such an annoying person



Yours truly, the ever annoying B. 


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fifisukidesu #1
Takumi-kun is hottttttt!!!!!!!!!!!! The ___ scenes are like....*speechless* anyway, u r not annoying!!!! How could u be? U r too adorable^^ if u r too bored and ur ipod charger is still missing, u can go check out all my one-shots...all yeteuk^^