There goes my perfect day =__=

God I'm sorry that I keep on ranting, but I am just friggin pissed right now.


So, obviously I'm a girl (if you're a boy I'm officially creeped out), and I have a boyfriend. And we've been together for like 3 years or something? Anyways, I recently moved out of the apartment that I was sharing with a friend, and I moved in with him.


So one spontaneous Sunday, he's just like: "We should go eat at this one really cool resturaunt! I'll reserve us a table!"

And I was like this on the outside:

But on the inside I was all liek:


So then I started like spazzing out because I love going out to eat and stuff and stuff and so then I'm singing a My Little Pony song (like wtf i hate that show .____.)

And I was all like to my friends "YOU GUYS JELLY?"

And they were all like ._______.

And I was dancing around and stuff.






And then last night, I felt really sick. And then I threw up in the toilet and I had a really bad headache and my stomach was just like spazzing out. So I'm like freaking out and stuff and my boyfriend is just like what the hell and stuff. Luckily, there's a hospital that's like a mile away and so we took a taxi over. And I was trying to hold back my puke and stuff and I was just like a huge sweating bucket and god my stomach was just like cramping together.


And so we get to the hospital and go to the doctor and she brings me into the examining room. And I tell her about what I'm feeling and stuff. And she said I had



food poisoning.






food poisoning.

















So she gives me some doctor advice and tells me to stay at the hospital because my case actually might be severe since I had been running a fever and puking all day, so I stay overnight, drink fluids, get medication.


And now I'm at home recovering because I'm still not feeling well. Like now I think I'm getting influenza or something like that because I am not feeling my best. At least I've stopped puking.

It may seem stupid like I'm a brat. But me and my boyfriend really can't afford fancy meals these days. ;_;


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