Grr I'm too sad to update my fanfics :(

Ahhh to all my subcribers and friends who read my fanfics this is to you............





I probalbly won't be updating for a while because of recent activity...........









I have started school so I will be restricted on which days and how long I will be able to get on the computer for, so that's one reson why I won't be updating for a while....






The other reason is that I made myself very sad recently and I need time to recover you guys.


I'm sorry to let my stupid emotional side come over me and effect my writing.


You may be like "How is this effecting you?" and I'll tell you it effects me because I can't produce good updates when I'm sad I feel as though I'm not giving my best when writing at this state :(


Most of the time I'm in school with my friends and that takes my mind off my stupid emotions at the time but when I'm not around anyone I just get sad all over again.


So I will work hard to get happy again and overcome this....


As to give you a heads up on upcoming updates......


The first fanfic Lies will take longer beacuse of how much the story has deepened but I think the following updates will be really enjoyable for everyone to read :D


The second fanfic This Love will be updated by 3-4 chapters when I return. I was missing something in the  upcoming 4th chapter but I figured it out and can move forward on that... so look forward to those updates...



So I'm really sorry for not updating now when I have free time...I'm just too sad. I will get better soon...






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Starlightshine #1
Aww, we'll be awaiting patiently! Don't keep your emotions bottled up inside kay? Smile :)