Cliffhangers at the end of chapters...Yes or No?

A close friend just told me that my writing is getting too 'fanfiction-y' with the cliffhangers I keep putting at the end of my last 3 chapters for

A Dangerous Situation [M]


So are cliffhangers at the end of a chapter necessarily a bad thing?

Does it make the story sound too much like a cheesy kdrama?

I write chapters without knowing how I'll start and how I'll end...I just start typing and usually if I'm feeling a little brave (or lazy), I'll tie it off with a cliffhanger because I felt like making the reader want more for the next chapter.

But am I doing it wrong so far? Are cliffhangers not the way to go?

Anyways, maybe I'm taking her criticism too hard...since it is the first time I'm really writing anything and publicizing it for other people to read. :( She's one of my best friends and we share a ton of the same interests when it comes to reading and everything else.

But this is fanfiction...isn't it about writing about what I want to write about?


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I personally never mind cliff hangers because it gives me a big rush of anticipation and makes the following chapter that much more rewarding to read. As long as its a good story, I'm never going to get enough of it anyways. You always write really long chapters and that in itself is the best thing ever for a reader. I am glad that I can keep reading and reading for each update that I don't feel like its too short. Or not enough in a chapter. In the end though, I believe that since you are the author, the person putting in the time and effort to write this story to entertain the rest of us, it is your choice how, who, what, when, and where everything takes place. That's because this is your creation. I'm grateful that you continue to choose to update and write. Thank you. There are no words to describe how glad I am each time I see you update. So please don't take criticisms too hard. You should do what you feel is most comfortable to you. :)
Cliffhangers bring excitement and make your subscribers anticipate your next chapter. I use them sometimes, so I don't get particularly upset when I see one in another person's writing. A cliffhanger in the middle of the might make my eye twitch but it's not something that'll make me mad or make me unsubscribe. Everyone likes what they like and you can't please everyone. It's your story; do what you want.
Just do your own thing ;) As long as you give us updates on that story, it doesn't matter to me if the endings are cliffhangers. It's actually one way of making your readers more intrigue on what will happen on the next chapter :)
Honestly, I usually put a cliffhanger in the end of my chapter to attract the reader to keep reading our story.
yes, this is fanfiction and it's up to you to write anything you like. Just my opinion
To be honest, i dont mind. It makes me as the reader to be excited for the next chapter since I need to know what happen afterwards.. Besides, the most important thing is the writer herself feeling satisfied with what her wrote.. Just my opinion though..hehhe..