Looking for Graphic Artist (Please Click)

I know, I know. AFF has tons of them, why don't I just request from a shop. 

Simply because I need a graphic artist who can do a poster with SIX BANDS AND ONE OC.

You guys know anyone who can do that, or can you do that?

Please help! I've been searching and searching but there seems to be no one T.T

PM or Comment below! Thanks! ^^ 


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jessicamaylee #1
they are fantastic!!!!! just opened and already made 14 chapters in just a few weeks!!

babymichiie #2
I'll keep a look out for you.
i can probably help you, but it's gonna take some time since I'm a bit new to the graphic designing thing [and my artwork pretty much /shot]
Hmmmm.... That's kinda hard to do sweety