G.R World application

Profile Name: SONEForLife

Profile Link:


Name of OC: Kim SeohYun

Pictures of OC [2+ links]:




Age [18~29]: 18

Date of Birth: 19/08/1993

Nationality [must be some Asian roots]: Korean

Height: 166cm

Weight: 48kg

Languages [only three mosy fluent in order]: Korean, English, Japanese

Personality: Kim SeohYun has always been the one to act shy and cute infront of boys and crazy infront of friends. She's shy at times but mostly a crazy girl. No one knows what she has been through. She likes to act cool and bad- but can never pull it off. She always looks like a little kid. She always makes a fool of herself infront of boys and she cant stand some of them at times. She has lots of mood swings. But normally she acts normal. She LOVES Dancing and has benn loving it all her life. She started dancing at 3 and singing at 4.

Likes: Rain, Chocolate, Music, Dancing , Singing, Friends.

Dislikes: Sushi , Coffee , Achol, Smokes.

Hobbies: Dancing & SInging. Also collecting sea shells that remind her of her dad.

Talents: Dancing, Singing, Saying the alphabet in Korean And English backwards in less than 5 seconds. Acting. Flexing

Persona: The shy, sometimes crazy, mood swingy chick.

Top 5 place in the group you wish to be:

[] Main Singer

[1] Lead Singer

[4] Main Dancer

[5] Lead Dancer

[] Leader

[] Main Rapper

[] Sub Rapper

[2] Face of the group

[] Muscian/Composer

[3] Gymnast

From what Company: YG/JYP/SM (SM!)

Trainee Years [min of 1 year]: 3 Years

Personal Background: SeohYun has always been accused of using her Aeygo to get out of trouble. And is always the one blamed for everything. She lived in a bad household almost all her life. Her mom was a drunk and smoked alot. Sometimes the mom treathened to be violent. But she never was. SeohYun always had to take care of her siblings. Still, in school she was always bullied because of how she looked. Also, her dad died of cancer when she was 5, SO she supported her family all this time. Now people find her as a role model.

Trainee Background: SeohYun has been a Trainee for 3 years now. During that time she has improved and seen the other Trainee and stars improve. She only made friends with some Idols and Trainee's. But has gained abit of Enemies. Why? Because they only think shes there to take their place as NUMBER ONE. or only is there to steal the guys. SeohYun doesnt mind at all. She continues to learn dances and pratices everyday.

Status in Group [mother, the crazy one etc]: The shy & crazy one (when friends are around)

Fan Club Name: Shadow Dancers

Your Fan Club Colours: Purple . Baby Blue , Black

Best friend(s) [idol]: Raina & Nana - After School . Onew & Taemin - SHINee

Friend(s) [idol]: Rest of SHINee . Goo Hara - Kara. Sooyoung - SNSD

Love interest [within 2PM, 2AM, Big Bang, Shinee, Super Junior, MBLAQ, TOP 3+]

Onew - SHINee

Taecyon - 2PM

Thunder - MBLAQ

Relationship Status: [Want to be going out with him?]  Starting to get to know each other, then asking





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