can someone recommend good eunhae fanfics.. :)) thank you

Please, I want to read stories but I can't seem to pick any stories with the most viewed and subscribed, I just want to know your opinions on what good eunhae stories to read, and I;m pretty sure that there some stories with low views are pretty good.

and can anyone help me finding this story I forgot the title but the plot is somewhat like this:

Donghae is a Narvi (somewhat sounds like that or something started with letter N) a powerful magicl creature but Narvi's has a weakness, and if a hunter catches them or captures them Narvi's will lose their powers or magic and become slaves. 

sorry for the confusing plot, i guess it is somewhat rated?? I'm nnot sure though, but I definitely remembered that i subscribed to the story but I can't find it in my subscription nor bookmarks, thanks for the help..


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lollypoly #1
I will recommend all of *mybabyhae* stories ,, she's one talented writer.. and about the story u are looking for its.. ( Whisper of a Navii )
"Well i really like A Winter's Tale" (sad & sweet ^^) by NutellaCookie

"Footsteps (One-shot)" (creepy kinda like horror but sweet at the same time) & "Two Lost Souls Swimming in a Fish Bowl" (really sad T^T) by themagiczebra
"Lunacy Fringe" (sweet story) by emii_vipelf
These authors also have more good stories :)
And to the one your referring to i don't know it :\ sorry,, but hope this helps ^^