Let's Write to This Modest Proposal -- outline for falliblefantasy

Outline for falliblefantasy


This is more like a one-shot story, but you can make it longer if you like. I'll split it into parts like you did for me.






Baekyeol, preferably, but you can also use Minkey if you're more comfortable with that.

Baekhyun/Key one with gun






01 –


Baekhyun/Key is with Chanyeol/Minho. They are laughing and having fun together. Actually, they aren't. That's just what it looks like from a distance. And what it looks like to Chanyeol/Minho. Baekhyun/Key is not having fun at all. He's depressed at the moment, he's just faking a smile to make his boyfriend happy, and not to worry him.


They are sitting in a park (or cafe, or restaurant, or movie theater before the movie) and chatting. Chanyeol/Minho is really the one talking, Baekhyun/Key is really just nodding along and smiling. He'd laugh when it was appropriate, but he wasn't really into the conversation.


(you can change anything here, but just give the initial feel that Baekhyun/Key isn't himself)


02 –


Baekhyun/Key is alone in the house because Chanyeol/Minho is out buying groceries or something like that. He's sitting in the bedroom and his pistol. He's debating whether or not to use it or not. Then the door opens downstairs and he hurriedly shoves the gun under the bed and hops up to help his boyfriend.


03 –


Some back story about why he's depressed...


  • a family member died

  • he lost his dream job

  • he just got knocked around by some gang a couple of weeks ago

  • his parents are getting a divorce


Something like that. I don't know exactly... You can also come up with one, it doesn't have to be one of those.


04 –


They're watching a sad movie together. Chanyeol/Minho really wanted to see it, so Baekhyun/Key couldn't refuse.


It was one of those suicidal violent movies and it really sent his emotions over the top. He's overly depressed the next day, good thing Chanyeol/Minho is out with their sister who's in town for a couple of days.


05 –


Baekhyun/Key is in the room again, with the gun in his hand. He's crying, because he's really going to do it. He's saying sorry to Chanyeol/Minho over and over again to himself, hoping that he will receive the message. He brings the gun up to his head. He's crying and thinking too much to notice that the door opened downstairs and someone is calling his name.


06 –


here's a choice for you:


#1 he puts the gun to his head and positions his finger on the trigger. He's getting ready to pull when Chanyeol/Minho comes up and looks through the door. He starts freaking out saying, “put it down! What are you doing?!”

Baekhyun/Key whispers I'm sorry and pulls the trigger and kills himself right there


#2 same thing happens, except Chanyeol/Minho moves quickly and throws the gun out of his hand and hugs him while he cries.


07 –


Make a closing ending after whichever choice you choose.



Okay, to link to the theme, 'space' add somewhere that all Baekhyun/Key wants is for some time alone. He doesn't want to be with Chanyeol/Minho. He wanted to  be alone after the incident, but Chanyeol/Key kept wanting to cheer him up and spend time together.


This whole thing should be filled with feelings and emotions. If you need help, just PM me.




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