- "Would You Rather..."


- "Would You Rather..."


Be confined at home or be homeless?

Be confiend at home. I basically live this way anyway.  

Be a teacher or an author?


Purple or Orange?

Purple....its closer to blue than orange

Marry the funniest person in the world or the richest person in the world?

HMMMM. The funniest. If he is the funniest he can make a living as a comedian and we can live well off and be happy. Best of both.

Meet two of your bias groups or ten groups that you like but not a fan of?

Definitely two bias groups.

Have clothes in your wardrobe all one colour or having your room all in one colour?


Scarves or hats?

I think like scarves better.

Be an only child or have 5 siblings?

An only child. peace and quiet would be wonderful

Be talented in dancing or singing?


Be kicked by a horse or a cow?

Cow. Have you seen the muscles on horses. They are good racers for a reason.

Ride a camel or an elephant?

An elephant. More space to sit

Be really tall(2m) or really short(1.40m)?

Really tall

Die by fire or freeze to death?

I'd rather freeze.

Be deaf or blind?


Be a for your whole life or a e?

LOL ....

Cats or dogs?

CAT-DOG!!!!!!! jkjk DOGS

Drink only milk for two months or only orange juice for two months?

Orange juice. 

Be a fashion designer or a interior designer?

Interior, less challenging than fashion

Go to the best private school, facility wise, or the best academic school?

Best academic

Travel the world or live in Seoul for three years?




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