Anon hate on tumblr



For those who frequently log in to tumblr, you should have already know about this.

On 7th January, a tumblr user who is a fan of Block B and B.A.P, letsbangyongguk, committed suicide due to the unbearable amount of anon hate she had received on tumblr. 

I just want to spread awareness regarding cyber bullying and I hope this gets out to those who are doing nothing else except busily sending out anon hate messages.

No matter what, to bully and insult someone is not a decent thing to do. I'm sure nobody wants to get  like '', 'attention ', 'go kill yourself' or anything of that sort. And I swear, to tell someone to kill himself/herself is the most despicable and lowest thing a person could do. You don't even know how those hurtful words could affect someone so badly.

To those of you who are responsible for those anon hate messages, I don't know if you're guilty or not, I hope you are, because someone just lost her life because of your wrong move. And if you wish you hadn't done so, that's too bad, because what's done cannot be undone, and the dead cannot be revived. 

And who knows you may even be the next target of cyberbullying after another innocent victim. Good luck.


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