Like Crazy by 2nyeoshidaelove [REVIEW]




Like Crazy's REVIEW

author:  2nyeoshidaelove

reviewer: musicbeat


CHARACTERS: Seulong(2AM) Soojung KiKwang(B2ST/BEAST) EunKyu




Songfics tend to be about one person’s part of the story and not the whole so it’s a thumbs up for using a first person view. I’m not sure if there were any grammatical or any typographical errors. I didn’t see nor noticed any since I was able to understand the whole.  


About the characters, they were very easy to identify since the author placed a photo of them in the beginning. Having a character reference is a good thing usually because authors won’t have to think about the physical attributes of the character and concentrate more on the personality. In this story, Like Crazy, Seulong, Soojung, and Eun Kyu has a solid personality but KiKwang doesn’t. Supposedly, his character should have something that would totally make him incomparable to Seulong, the protagonist. I thought, KiKwang should have a striking personality to beat Seulong… maybe not because of the weak personality Seulong has. Also, I just wondered about the protagonist’s whole personality. He was somewhat given me an impression of weak personality in a such a way that I felt he was the girl and Soojung was the guy. He didn’t appeal to me as the guy to make the initiative, instead he’s the type to give in his girlfriend’s every whim. Although Soojung’s personality was a given. She, in my opinion, wouldn’t last with Seulong. She needed someone to lean on and judging from Seulong’s actions, he couldn’t do that.




One of the things I didn’t like about the plot was the beginning and the scene near the end. I thought the approach was a little too shallow for both situations. First, making mistakes such as buying the wrong ice cream flavour or wrong item is not the way to establish a good foundation to the story. Take another look on the lyrics and think about a less literal way of making him incompetent or always the wrong one. One possible situation is that the incident with Eun Kyu. That situation would have been a good beginning for a story. Second, the moment of truth where Seulong founds out the truth about his beloved girlfriend was just plain inappropriate. Please, if you want to make a good impression it could have been Seulong finding out Kikwang and Soojung caught in an inappropriate position but not doing the deed. With dialogues hearing them moan in a cinema was not something everyone would do.  


I can’t say that the storyline was original nor a cliché since it was based on a song. Maybe some scenes weren’t new but based on how the author have put it, the story in a sense, is unique.




It was consistent until the end. Seeing from the beginning of the story, the protagonist’s relationship with his girlfriend was bound to end anytime. His girlfriend wasn’t satisfied with their current relationship. No matter how hard her tries, he always end up making mistakes even if it was unintentional. For the second part where new characters were present, it was good but not entertaining enough.


Considering the author’s age, she had done well. But setting age aside, I thought the storyline can be better. Songs are an emotional tool and so is writing. Overall the story was good but I felt like it was lacking the emotion as the song emphasizes on. It wasn’t as intense as I thought it would be. I’m not saying that the story isn’t good because it is. It may just have lacked a few elements to make it better but the story is still good and nice to read.


Always remember that creativity is an important aspect of a story. Without it, the story would lack edge and identity so it’s important to think carefully on what fits to the story that hasn’t been used by others.


I just have to remind to the author that whatever I have written in my review doesn’t reflect everyone’s opinion on the story. IT IS MY OPINION so no hard feelings. I’m only saying what I think. Also, my suggestions are not bound to be followed. IT’S THE AUTHOR’S STORY AFTER ALL. IT’S ALL UP TO THE AUTHOR ON HOW SHE MAKES HER MASTERPIECES.


Note: I hope with this review I was able to help you(2nyeoshidae). You still have a long way for making an identity for yourself and I pray that you don’t lose your passion for writing. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FUTURE STORIES.


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hyeamazing #1
Thanks for the review! <333