One Month


For one month (or maybe a little longer) I wont update the story I'm working on, because I have to focus on finishing one of my classes to graduate. It takes me hours to write a chapter (usually because I end up re-writing the chapter 2-4 times), and it only takes me a couple minutes to read a chapter. I'm sorry! But I REALLY need to graduate. I'll work hard! School starts Tuesday so maybe I'll do one last update either today or tomorrow. Please don't unsubscribe and keep anticpating the story. After, when I'm focused, I can write better chapters. Forgive me~

- ABreeze

P.S. Please watch SJ-M's new music video when it's realised tomorrow ( January 07, 2013) and (I don't know if it's a rumor or fake or whatever but) Changmin is supposed to MC a new show with Kang Ho Dong starting mid-January, so please support him ^^

Kyu's SJ-M Breakdown teaser pic <3

And Changmin Oppa


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4everkyuhyun #1
Haha Kyu's hair make him look like frost sth. Hehe its okay, will be waiting :)