Note {노트} Application | [Kim Boram]




      Kim  Boram



I wanna get to know you…

Username (with link): tealcloud


Character's Name:Kim Boram

Nicknames: Mong Ram- Mong means blank in Korean which describes Boram's face a lot of time. Her brother called her this first and some fans picked up on it.

Male or Female:Female

Date of birth: 04/10/92

Age: 20

Entthicity: Full Korean

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean- fluent (native); English- moderate; Japanese (basic)




Wow, such an attitude…


When one meets Boram for the first time, they notice two things about her. One is her signature blank face that is adorned on her face and two is her calm nature. Boram

is the type of girl who has little words, not because of shyness though. She is more of the person who rather not beat around the bush and express things as clearly as

she can. This makes her a bit blunt to some people, but her bluntness is not one of rudeness. Boram goes out of her way to be extremely respectful to people to the point

that she often talks to people who are younger than her in a formal tone. There was an incident that has happened in which Boram talked to a baby in a formal tone, making

people think she is a little loony, but that is how she is.

 Many people call Boram mature, so they tend to go to her for advice. She tries to give advice that has a fair and unbiased opinion to them. She is generally the person to

count on to keep a level head even when things are going wrong. Sometimes she takes a leadership role if the situation gets out of hand, but if she notices someone else

is willing to fix the problem, she will give them the chance to do so. Even though she is helpful to others, when it comes to her own problems, Boram hates having people

be involved. This is because she rather fix them on her own and doesn't want to bother them.

Boram is incredibly easy going and is usually seen going with the flow, but that doesn't mean she does everything she is told to do. She hates doing chores around the

dorm, so she often runs away and hides out somewhere before appearing when the dorm is clean. She isn't dirty, but she just doesn't want to take the effort to do so. This

can make her a bit lazy, but that laziness only appears with chores. Boram is noted by some of the members to be a bit odd because she is usually in the background doing

things people usually won't look twice at such as playing with items on the walls, poking random things.

Boram doesn't lose her temper much, but when she does people cower in fear. This usually happens when someone messes with her members or loved ones. Other than

that Boram has a very competitive steak that appears when people directly challenges her. She is a bit prideful during those times and will not back away from the

challenge even if things looks bleak. One should not say 'You can't do this, Boram' because this will trigger her competitive streak. Boram is very determined when she

puts her mindto something and is very hard working especially when it comes to rapping. She often invests many hours into doing this to the point that it will be all she

thinks about.  Finally Boram is very bad when it comes to romantic related things and is very dense. She becomes clueless when people flirt with her and will just stare at

them blankly with no response.

Background Life:

Boram was born into a middle class family to two office workers who met in Busan. Her mother and father had one child before Boram who happens to be Boram's older

brother. In Busan, Boram was always tagging along with her older brother while her parents went off to work. Usually she and her brother were in the care of her aunt, who

wasn't married at the time. Boram had a good relationship with her family members more so her brother than anyone else. It was a very peaceful time until Boram turned 4

years old. Her mother and father started fighting a lot more during this time especially when her father got a promotion that her mother wanted. The two started off with

small arguments that were easily ceased to big ones which had Boram and her brother cower in fear.

When Boram turned 5 years old, her father was offered an chance to move to Seoul. Seeing the marriage dissolving, Boram's father decided to take the offer. Boram was

wary of her father leaving on his own and since she didn't want him to be lonely, she moved with him. In Seoul, Boram had a hard time adjusting at first since kids started

to make fun of her accent, but after her aunt moved there to Seoul with her new husband, Boram started to adjust more. When Boram was 10 years old, her older brother

moved to Seoul at his request because he wanted to go to the schools there. Boram almost moved back to Busan because of this change, but her mother requested that

Boram should stay in Seoul.

Boram found the joys of rapping when she was 12 years old in which her older brother started getting into hip hop and showing it to her. Boram enjoyed the beats and soon

started to copy them. Boram was so ecstatic by the whole thing, she immersed herself into it. Her brother seeing that she had such big interests in this, introduced her to

some of his friends who happened to be underground rappers. There Boram started to be mentored by her brother's friends and started to help them out. She joined a crew

because of this and started getting into rapping more. Her father didn't seem too keen on the idea of his daughter rapping, but he decided to he should let her pursue her

own things and left her alone as long as she kept up her grades.

In high school, Boram decided she wanted to do rapping as a career and decided to audition for various of places. She got rejected by many different companies because

Boram didn't seem to have the star quality they wanted or cause of her blank face. Boram didn't give up though and when she was 17 years old, auditioned for Lemonize.

She managed to blow them away with her rapping and she was accepted. She still labels that day as one of the best days in her life.


  • citrus fruits- oranges being her favorite
  • music of all types- has a soft spot for hip hop though
  • getting up early in the morning
  • watching horror movies
  • writing down raps
  • furrets - she wants one as a pet


  • being late to places
  • when the members fight among each other
  • ice skating- she falls all over the place
  • needles - she is scared of them
  • salty foods
  • doing chores
  • when her phone runs out of battery


  • making paper cranes - she thinks they are good luck and thinks they are quality gifts
  • reading manga
  • trying to compose new songs
  • making mix tapes


  • has a blank look on her face most of the time minus when she is performing
  • when performing, she often wears various expressions that go along with the song
  • when nervous about something, she will often play with her fingers
  • when in thought, she furrows her eyebrows together
  • when she sleeps, she often clings to things nearby even people
  • when she is about to lose her temper, she will smile all creepy like


  • she is a former underground rapper whose stage name was FLO.
  • when she was younger, she wanted to be part of the circus as a clown
  • is allergic to cats, but it's not severe.
  • she has her driver's license
  • she likes to release mix tapes once in a while
  • can eat a whole lemon without a problem
  • she is left handed



Look at me, beautiful…

Ulzzang: Baek Su Min

Pictures: ONE || TWO || THREE || FOUR || FIVE || SIX

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 47 kg

Back-up ulzzang: Kwon Su Jeong

Pictures: ONE || TWO || THREE || FOUR



Your family, friends, and lover…

Family: Kim Jinyoung | 48 | Father| alive | A serious man who knows how to separate family from his work. He is a caring man who supports undying support to his children.

He is a respectful man, who supports his children in whatever they do. He is good at reading people especially his daughter and will often know if something is bothering


Han Shinyeong| 48| Mother| alive | She is a woman who has a deadly competitive streak and keeps people at a distance at all times. She rather be independent hence why

she has not seen her children or her husband in a long time. Boram doesn't have a relationship really with her mother and they don't keep in touch.

Kim Taehyun | 24 | Older brother| alive | A dramatic type of guy, Taehyun has a tendency to act like the younger siblings between him and Boram. He is a loving and caring

older brother, who is overprotective. He and Boram have a close bond with each other. Taehyun likes to baby her and often becomes protective when guys are interested in

her. Many say he has a sister complex.


Best Friends: Ahn HyoJung aka LE (EXID) | 21 | Rapping besties |alive | A fun loving girl who brings the loudness that Boram lacks. The two of them are complete

opposites from each other, but they get along extremely well. LE often mauls Boram into hugs when sees her. The two meet when Boram was performing once.


Friends: Park Minho | 19 | Trainee friend | alive | Minho is a shy guy who is kind of too shy to approach others. He will often stammer around people, but when he sets

his mind to something, he will become completely determine. Boram talked to him when they were paired off for a training session. The two hit it off pretty well.


Rivals/Enemies: Kim Hye Lim aka Lime (Hello Venus) | 19 | Awkward rivals | alive | Lime is a down to earth girl who has problems connecting with Boram because of the

intimidating nature she has in the beginning. Lime and Boram have a friendly rivalry in which they are appreciative of each other skills, but want to be become better than

each other.


Status: Her family was middle class rather than rich or poor. Her father was a regular office real estate worker in the beginning, but when he moved to Seoul he was

promoted to a much higher position. His brother also works as a freelance journalist.

Lover interest: Park Kyung (Block B)

How you met + relationship: They meet after Note debuted. Kyung was trying to flirt with her with his greasy and chessy pick up lines, but Boram didn't seem to get it.

Kyung was surprised that she wasn't getting or responding to his flirting tactics and he became interested her. They're good friends later on and work on mix tapes

together, but it takes Boram a while before she realizes Kyung is interested in her. He clearly likes her though which is obvious to everyone, but her.

Picture : one || two || three

Back-up lover interest: Member of Note

How you met + relationship: Probably meet when the group was formed. It was probably hard for them to be friends because of her blank face, but later on they got along.

Picture : ---



Time to shine

Stage Name: Boram

Persona: Blank-faced Queen or Stone-faced Rapper (Either or...cause I'm not good at this DX)

Position: lead rapper or Main rapper, lead dancer (I don't have a preference to which, you can choose)

Personal fanclub: Mongies

Personal fanclub color: Spring Green #00FF7F

Trainee history: Boram had a hard time with the other trainees for a bit because they seemed to be scared of her at first. She made little friends and worked extremely hard

since she needed to know how to do other things other than rap. She got into different music during this time. Boram attended school while training, but she had a hard

time staying awake. She had average grades though and managed to pass. She practiced dancing and singing a lot.

Years of training: 3 years

Other occupations: Composer




comments: Hmm, I hope you like her and please change anything you need to ^^

personal requests: Maybe she can help whoever gets a solo or by  doing a featuring for them? or maybe even write a song for them.




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