Ideal Type (Borrowed- with permission- from EXO_SHINee)

I don't usually post blogs :) but this looked fun so I thought I'd give it a try ^^ lol

Whether you choose to read or not read just know that this was done because I was bored xD and its too late for my brain to actually function to work on my stories so...yeah xD

Yeah...I'm weird like that :) but you know...^.~



1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
Not a requirement. I mean they don't have to be movie star or K-pop boy material but at least attractive to me. ;) I am not a shallow person, but I want my future boyfriend to be at least decent looking. That's not too much to ask for right?
2. Smart?
Doesn't have to be an super smart, but at least have decent grades and common sense is a must (because according to my friends and parents I seem to lack it most of the time -3- sighh)
3. Preferred age?
Same age or 1 or 2 years older :)
4. Preferred height?
Lol...taller than me please, but I don't think that would be hard considering I'm uber short >< 5'2? 157cm?
5. How about sense of humor?
Yes please ^^
6. How about piercings?
Umm...I don't mind ear piercings but only if they can pull them off. :3
7. Accepts you for who you are?
I think this one is a definite must. I mean what girl doesn't want a guy to accept her for who she is? :D
8. Pink hair?
Um wait what? Well...if it suits them than yeah I'm all for it. haha :) But if not than please no. I prefer natural hair colors anyways. ^^
9. Mushy or no?
Lol only if they know when not to be as well ;)
10. Thin or fat?
Healthy. They don't have to have the perfect body, so long as their healthy and happy thats good enough for me :D
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
I don't really have a preference :). Although not super pale please >< at least have some color.
12. Long hair or short hair?
Whatever hair suits them best :3
13. Plastic or metal?
Uhh...what?? I would prefer them to be made of skin and bones and have blood running through their veins please.
Is this a trick question? lol
14. Smells good?
Haha yes please! A nice natural body scent is actually really atractive (wait....that doesn't sound weird does it? >< aiyoo)
15. Smoker?
NO. Out of all things this is the one thing I put my foot down on. Absolutely NO, they cannot be a smoker. If they so much as even touch a cigarette I'm gone..okay maybe not that extreme but you get my point.
16. Drinker?
Wait...I don't think their going to be that old lol.
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
Aww that would be sweet :) but not a requirement ^^
18. Muscular?
A dancer's muscles. ;D (ahh K-pop how you influence me so ;])
19. Plays piano?
That would be amazing ^^ a definite bonus. I'm a er for a guy who can play piano, espically if they know K-pop songs (hehe)
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Again a definite plus :D. Guys that can play guitar or piano I find to be really attractive for some reason. Yes yes I know typical, but hey you can't help what the heart wants :)
21. Plays violin?
Mmm..doesn't have to :) but a plus if he did ^^
22. Sings very good?
*takes out pen and paper phone*
"What's your name and can I have your number?" *puppy dog eyes*
23. Vain?
Why would you even ask this?! If they were vain I wouldn't even think about talking to them. Nope. A big N-O (like the smoking)
24. With glasses?
I have to admit...I have a soft spot for guys in glasses, but only if they can pull them off!! ;) haha
25. With braces?'s not forever right?
26. Shy type?
Well....I'm kind of shy so maybe not? I mean...if it works but I prefer a little more out-going :)
27. Rebel or Good boy?
A good boy but knows how to bend the rules ;)
28. Active or passive?
29. Tight or bomb?
Again what??? lol...
30. Singer or dancer?
No preference- a bonus if he was either ^^
31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?
Lol...again I say what?? Is there some kind of second meaning I'm not getting here?
32. Hiphop?
Umm.....not really sure what this question is asking but so as long as they aren't dressing like complete gangsters, than I really don't mind. And if they like hiphop than yeah sure...I don't really mind music preference :3
33. Earrings?
Wasn't this question already asked? Or something similar to this? (Please refer to question 6 lol)
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
No please. I mean if I'm really curious I'll ask but I don't need them constantly reminding me. I mean does it matter how many past relationships they've had? It's not going to make a difference to the one they're in now.
35. Dimples?
Omigosh that would be the cutest thing ever!! ^^
36. Bookworm?
Doesn't have to be, but if he is than he also has to know when to loosen up and have fun as well ^^
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Aww that's romantic, but I don't have a preference :) Whatever they're comfortable with.
38. Playful?
Yes please!! :D Smiles are a must :) but also knows when to be serious at the right times.
39. Flirt?
No flirty guys please. -3-
40. Poem writer?
Aww again that's cute, but not required.
At the right times. :)
42. Campus crush?
Well..I don't really want to have every girl crushing on my
I don't mind if he is though..but yeah
43. Painter?
Doesn't have to be, but if he is than I'm all for it ;)
44. Religious?
Doesn't have to be, but if he's the same religion as me than thats certainly a plus :D (Buddhist ^^)
I would say more spirtual :]
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
So as long as they know their limits and don't go too far. :3
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
I actually find it strangely attractive when a guy knows how to play video games well xD and I mean actually knows how to play and not just pressing random buttons. Watching guys play video games is entertaining to me lol. Wait just me? Oh..okay than...
(Ahh totally sounded like a creeper there ><)
Yeah...I'm weird like that ^3^ lol
47. Speaks 20 languages?
Doesn't have to speak multiple languages, but...;) if they can speak Mandarian or Cantonese that would be amazing :D
48. Loyal or faithful?
Aren't these the same? haha :3 But both ^^ we can choose that right?
49. Good kisser?
I haven't even had my first yet />//<\ eep!
50. Loves children?
YES!! This one is a gigantic M-U-S-T!! If they don't like childern than nope, forget about having a relationship. It is out of the question. I don't care if they are the most attactive guy on the planet. My ideal type has to like childern. Did I mention that this is a gigantic yes? :)
lol sorry...haha I work with kids a lot and I absolutely adore childern so liking kids for me is a definite must ^^

Well there you have it (lol) just wasted about an hour of my time xD

But thats alright...this was entertaining ^^




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I love this blog!
I answered all of this in my head, and one boy I knew personally matched most of the questions!
He is a couple of moths older than me:)
He can kind of play piano and is great on guitar:)
He can speak my language:)
He is the same Religion as me:)
He loves to take care of people younger that him:)
He is both Loyal and Faithful:)
He doesn't flirt:)
He is not Vain:)
He had cute dimples:)
He is a singer and a dancer:)
He is Shy and Out-Going:)