Yahh Yahh Yahh I Started School!!!!!

I have started school...yesterday was my first day and I had a very great first day :D

So basically it went just like the orrientation but somethings changed.



Okay to start off everything I would like to say they didn't catch me wearing jeans :) I walked right passed the Dean well more like ran pass him.

when he didn't see me i was like:

And then I got in class and went to show off:


Anyway enough with that the second thing I shall state is that I had to work with the girl I don't like BUT everything went FIINE :D


The third thing is that I broke my no cursing rule the first day of school :( I got really upset at the end of the day and just let my words fly...ughh i'll have to try once again on Monday and hopes of a clean mouthed week...wish me luck.


The fourth thing is that the kid who looks like Jay Park...I know his name it's just I don't want to pronouce it wrong...it's not a hard name to say it's just uhhh u just have to see it. Anyway my friend and him got on the bus and I had an whole conversation with him...I feel so proud lol

Okay I'll stop now beacuse it wasn't that serious ^^


Anyway that's it so I'll stop typing...note* i won't write about my day everyday i'll just do it when improtant things happen lol :D


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yes i will :) @starlightshine what's ur uniform?
@LanniChu Nope not allowed to wear jeans they have to be pants
Starlightshine #2
Be grateful about your jeans... We have to wear freaking UNIFORMS at my school. ._.
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">I enjoyed your macros.. and good luck with school! I started 2 weeks ago OTL. You can't wear jeans at your school? </marquee>