draco dormiens || suyun kim


    ( Prophet )  ||  ( 3 )  || ( Suyun Kim )   


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you're either magical or you aren't.

character || suyun kim, korean

nickname || yunnie, subaby

dob + age ||  07/29/96 + 17
place of birth || daegu, south korea
hometown || daegu, south korea
languages || korean, english, french


idol || f(x)'s krystal jung

pictures || uno dos tres cuatro cinco

back-up idol || snsd's im yoona

pictures || uno dos tres cuatro cinco

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where you ought to be.

personality ||

the first thing most people notice about suyun is her infamous face. if she's not smiling, she looks bored and/or pissed off even though she may not be. thus, suyun often seems unapproachable and intimidating from first impression. for some people, this may be for the best as she's not always the most accepting person in the world. though suyun is not immediately judgmental when she meets someone, she does have a tendency to start forming tiny judgments as she first gets to know someone, creating this character in her head of who someone is that is often accurate in many respects, but also often wrong in just as many respects. when someone deviates from this character she has created for them in her head, she automatically deems them as acting fake, lying, etc.


having such a distaste for people who lie and act fake (though sometimes/often they aren't, she just thinks they are) one can rest assured that suyun will never do so. if she's bored in class she'll fall asleep on the table. if she's angry at you she'll tell you exactly why instead of being passive aggressive about it. luckily suyun doesn't get angry often, but she does get bored incredibly easily, blanking out from conversations she doesn't find interesting and ignoring people who may try to talk to her if she finds them boring. other than when she's bored though, suyun is very attentive and observant. she notices little things in people and her surroundings, such as the tiny crease in her friend's forehead indicating they are upset, how the clock in the corner's minute hand is a few seconds too slow, how the group of kids at the table over whisper as they shoot glances at her own group. not only does suyun notice these things, she can also do things with the bits of information she gathers and take advantage of them.


despite seeming quite mature, suyun is actually a bit childish, though usually only when she feels she or her loved ones have been heavily wronged (little things not really bothering her), shooting off childish insults (and a hex or two) and hanging on to petty grudges for a lifetime. she's also not the kind of person to face her fears, her problems, or her actions. instead, she has other people deal with them for her, places blame on others for things she did, sneak around or avoid it all together, and more. however, suyun's sneaky ways get her out of all the trouble she gets herself in, slinking off unnoticed after she causes panic from a few curses, puppy-dog eyes assuring a better grade on an essay than she may have deserved, and sweet talking her way out of disciplinary action. suyun knows how to get what she wants and achieve her goals, and isn't afraid to do what it takes to get there. she can also be a bully (almost always limited to verbal harassment) to those she dislikes. though to be fair suyun usually is not the one to start the bully-victim dynamic, instead spurred on by the other party until suyun lets go of her indifference to them and turns it into a dislike or even hate instead.


for the most part suyun is suprisingly laid-back despite her cold appearance, not easily angered but easily made excited and happy. she has a wide range of humor and it's quite easy to get this girl to smile and laugh, and her own jokes (though often leaning on the sarcastic, crude, dark, and dirty side) and witty comments never fail to get her friends laughing into stitches, showing that she's not nearly as cold as she seems. her affectionate and touchy-feely ways further show her loving ways. she's very active and rarely seen in quite and dull places, always out with her friends and playing games. she prefers doing her own thing and being entertained than anything else, making her not the most studious person in the world, largely unmotivated and uninterested in academic pursuits. even when she finds the subject interesting and she's good at it she hates doing any actual (written) work for the subject outside of the classroom, preferring to convince others to do it for her. suyun is more likely to do it on her own if she has friends around her doing schoolwork, too, especially if they are working on the same stuff she is so she can ask for their help. still, she is incredibly determined to achieve her own goals whether they are big or small and does what it takes to do so (even if it's paying someone to write an essay for her).


suyun is a lot more fragile than she lets on, however. insults hurt her more than she shows, her friends' pain and worries make her own heart her, too. she's afraid of losing people and of being hurt herself, both emotionally and physically. in the end however suyun's confidence and surety draw people in, her charm and wit let people linger, and her fierce but quiet loyalty and support make them stay.

history ||

suyun grew up in an upper-middle class family, her family's wealth coming from the bread winner of the household, her father's law business in daegu being one of the best in the area and never failing to bring home the dough. though her father was often out of the house working, the man always made sure to be home at night to keep connected with the family, as well as taking entire months to spend time in their vacation home in paris, france. on the other hand suyun had constant support from her stay-at-home mother. suyun overall had a very good life, being quite popular in school (if not slightly feared and resented) and active in her life.

likes ||

» cats
» tea and fruit juice
» gummy candies
» mangoes
» amusement parks and thrill rides

» jewelry

» fast-paced music (pop, techno, electronic, etc.)

dislikes ||

» studying, reading, and writing
» being dirty
» sick people and being sick
» vegetables
» coffee and soda
» rain
» being cold, winter, and snow

hobbies ||

» doing people's (and her own) hair
» going on long walks
» soccer

habits ||

» braids her's or someone else's hair when she's bored
» grinds her teeth when angry and annoyed
» kissing her friends and family on the cheek to say hello and goodbye

» tapping her feet and shaking when nervous and/or uncomfortable

trivia ||

» afraid of the dark, creepy crawlies, ghosts, red-eyed animals, blood, and dogs
» allergic to nuts and bees
» often forgets to stay hydrated, leading her to feel nauseous and dizzy and occasionally passing out
» is good at charms and hexes
» is good at baking, but not cooking

» always carries around gummies
» is very ticklish

» calls people by pet names, rarely using their real name even if she doesn't know the other person very well. fond of the terms boo/babyboo, babycakes, big boy/guy, angelface. dollface, and cutie for most people.

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we never left.

family members ||

father || ( kim inho | 41 | lawyer | 4 | affectionate, hardworking, stubborn, ethical, dutiful, intelligent )
mother || ( park duri | 40 | stay at home mother | 5 | loving, passionate, worrisome, funny, loyal, independent )
brother || ( kim minsu | 14 | student | 4 | sensitive, people pleaser, loyal, compassionate, emotional, intelligent )
pets || ( bomi | male | ragdoll cat )

friends ||

» ( f(x). amber liu | seventh | hufflepuff | 5 | boyish, affectionate, funny, loyal, friendly, easygoing )
» ( kara. park gyuri | seventh | slytherin | 5 | confident, classy, assertive, blunt, ambitious, charismatic )
» ( infinite. lee hoya | seventh | slytherin | 4 | perfectionist, hardworking, reserved, calm, funny, confident )

» ( tvxq. shim changmin | seventh | slytherin | 4 | snarky, intelligent, observant, witty, honest, lazy )

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amortentia 'love potion'.

love interest || bang yongguk, bap, gryffindor
back-up love interest || kim himchan, bap, slytherin
personality ||

» ( yongguk ) yongguk is a strong guy in all the ways you think. physically, emotionally, and mentally. he's confident and charismatic with great leadership skills, unafraid and always willing to take charge of situations. he's very brave and assertive but a little rough around the edges, sometimes unintentionally being mean and being a little impatient. he's still a good guy though, funny, a moodmaker, and loyal that he is. he's very protective of those he cares about, and isn't afraid to be hurt and hurt others to protect those loved ones. he tries to help people in any ways he can, and his hidden intelligence allows him to do so often.
» ( himchan ) himchan doesn't always seem like a slytherin. he's mostly cheerful and outgoing, very gentle to his loved ones and just a little bit quirky. he can be a bit moody at times however, being very unpredictable in this stage. he's actually very secretive however, and is also quite vain and just arrogant enough to sometimes be annoying. his cheerfulness makes him well liked though, something himchan is quite aware of and uses to his advantage to get out of trouble. he's sneakier and more observant than he lets one, and knows pretty much everything that goes in the school whether he should know it or not.

first impression ||

» ( yongguk ) suyun thought nothing at all of yongguk at first. he was in a different house than her and they had a very different set of friends. the few times she did interact with him in some form of another made suyun think yongguk was the typical gryffindor in her mind: loud, brash, and nosey.
» ( himchan ) himchan immediately caught suyun's attention right away with his entertaining attitude. however, suyun thought the boy was a little a dumb and somewhat annoying, wondering how the heck he was sorted into slytherin. still, he was interesting and she liked that.

behavior ||

» ( yongguk ) yongguk and suyun had a number of classes they shared together, and soon they were often paired together or put into the same group as each other. they used to have petty arguments at first, but soon enough the bickering turned into lively banter with hints of flirting mixed in for amusement. then, the flirting was not just for fun anymore as the two grew a genuine like (and then love) for each other, but both continued on as if it was still all fun and games, not aware of the other's feelings. suyun found herself showing her vulnerable side to yongguk unintentionally more and more often even though she tried to keep it hidden away.
» ( himchan ) it wasn't long before suyun started to like himchan, much the same with himchan towards suyun. they found the other was just too entertaining to pass up, and they found themselves spending increasingly large amounts of time with each other, even going to each other first when they got bored. they fully indulge in each other's company, being lazy or causing trouble or just going on walks to talk and tell each other their secrets.


scene requests || ehh, i can't think of anything particular scene except for little moments of suyun and yongguk flirting in class and passing notes to each other. also having their friends question the two's relationship, especially if suyun ends up in slytherin, being all suspicious cause yongguk's friends think suyun is a death eater or something.
ending || suyun is the one to go to the dark side, then changes her mind to fight alongside yongguk/himchan against the death eaters and/or spy on the death eaters for them. happy ending please and thank you~

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dumbledore's army.

seventh years ||

core classes || 

» charms
» herbology
» transfiguration
» defense against the dark arts

electives || 

» apparition
» divination

unforgivables ||

» killing curse, avada kedavra
» cruciatus curse, crucio
» imperius curse, imperio

incantations ||

tickling charm || rictumsempra
summoning charm || accio
levitation charm || wingardium leviosa
jelly-legs curse || locomotor wibbly
water-making spell || aguamenti
fire-making spell || incendio
disarming charm || expelliarmus

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for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat.

 gryffindor  || 

what do you think of harry potter? || "bit of an attention seeker, eh? haha, not that i blame him, get all the money you can big boy!"
what do you think of the slytherins? || "sneaky little things, aren't they. slytherins, though. they know how to get things done, get what they want."
if a ravenclaw and a hufflepuff were in danger, who would you choose to save? || "which one am i friends with? well whatever, not taking possible friendships into account i'd save the ravenclaw. they're smart and more useful."

ravenclaw || 

which came first, the phoenix or the flame? || "eh, the flame i guess? i have no idea."
what do you think of the gryffindors? ||
"haha, they're kinda dumb, right? they never think before they do anything it seems."
knowledge is... || "power, according to my dad. too bad you have to work so hard for it. ugh, so much reading. screw that, i'll just hang around the smart kids and leech off their power."

hufflepuff || 

would you rather be liked or praised? || "well doesn't praise come from people who like you? considering so, i'll choose liked."
what do you think about hogwarts? || "it's definitely interesting. there's a lot of things to do around here if you know where to look and who to talk to, and this magic thing is right up my alley."
would you rather betray your friends or betray your family? || "friends, duh. you can always find new ones, while you can't replace family. unless i get adopted. but that doesn't count."

slytherin || 

what do you think of lord voldemort? || "he's kinda ugly and creepy. plus he's a murderer. killing kinda freaks me out and all. he must have some serious charisma to get so many die-hard followers though. must be more to him then we think."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "haha, they're kinda dumb, right? they never think before they do anything it seems."
your housemates are becoming death eaters. many of them are your friends, and they ask you to join them. what do you do? || "my friends are always by my side you know, and they usually know what's right. maybe if i got something in return, if there was something i could gain... maybe, maybe i would join. i don't know."

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you have your mother's eyes.

questions || not that i can think of right now.

comments || oh my god this is so pretty and perfect, the whole layout and story in general. also sorry i repeated the same thing for "what do you think of the gryffindors," but i didn't know how the answer could change. lastly, i'm sorry if this is way too long.
scene requests || i'm lame, i just don't want her or her love interest to die. i'm too soft hearted! otherwise, nope no requests.
how many horcruxes? || vii
hogwarts motto? || never tickle a sleeping dragon



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glowbug #1
i feel like a n00b now.
anyway, thanks for applying! like you wanted, i think you're a slytherin.
if you would prefer to be a gryffindor, ravenclaw, or hufflepuff, though, that's okay. just reply with your choice!