Happy New Year : Hello, Goodbye!

what'seop? :D

Hey guys! Long time no see/chat/post/communicate!

First of all, I would like to wish you all a

Super happy new year!

2013 is finally here and I hope it'll be an amazing year for you guys! Wishing you all the best for the upcoming year, okay?

So anyways, as you all know, I've been going on and off about stopping writing then somehow wrote again then suddenly stopping all over again.

For those who subscribed and waited for another update on my Bangzelo stories, I'm seriously sorry.

Because I'll never finish those.

For those hoping I'd post another Jongkey, Ontae, Junseob or other stories.

I'll never post anything up again.

This time for real.

2012 had been a blast, with its own ups and downs and I think it's time for me to say goodbye to 2012. That means, goodbye to writing as well. I guess it's time for me to move on. I'm done so I won't really be around AFF that much anymore..

I appreciate all your support, guys! It's been heaps of fun :)

So yeah. I think that's it.

I'll see you around, I suppose.

phiiee signing off! :')


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Sunrise_dream #1
Hope you have a great new year. I sad to say good-bye to you again. I hope you will pop back every so often and let us know how you are doing.