My Soundtrack Life (Japanese Version)

So, here’s how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend your cool… just type it in man!
Opening Credits: One in a Million by Yamaa Tomohisa (Whoa! Cool opening *O*)
Waking Up: Dial Up by NYC Boys (Wow! That really woke me up ^O^ And also the first line of the song is ‘Wake Up’ *O* Cool)
First Day At School: Stand Up by NEWS (Wow! It’s like I should believe in myself and stand up ^~^)
Falling In Love: Your Song by Arashi (Oh! Nice ^O^)
Losing ity: Akuma no Koi by Yuma with B.I Shadow (Definitely a love devil O_o)
Fight Song: Haruka Kanata by Asian Kung Fu Generation (Oh! It definitely suits for a fight song and besides it’s the opening song from Naruto ^O^)
Breaking Up: Orion by Nakashima Maki (Wah! Definitely a break up song TT_TT)
Prom: Bokura no Machi de (Oh! This is okay ^O^ I think O_O)
Life: Hello by KaT-TUN (It means hello life ^~^)
Mental Breakdown: Tokei Jikake no Umbrella by Arashi (Wah! No that’s my fave song in Arashi *O*)
Driving: Signal by KaT-TUN (I don’t really know what to say here O_O)
Depression: Feel Your Breeze by V6 (Hm O_O I should feel the breeze when I’m depress)
Partying: Murarisuto by KoyaShige (Wow! The beat is cool but the lyrics is kinda erted *O*)
Happy dance: Dancing Machine by V6 (Yeah! It suits because of the title ^~^)
Betrayal: Niji by Aqua Timez (What! Rainbow will be a betrayal song*O*)
Regretting: Sadistic Love by KaT-TUN (Oh! It kinda suits ^O^)
Long night alone: Sunao ni Narenai by Little Non (I don’t know what to say but it’s the opening song of the anime TsuyoKiss)
Flashback: SMACK by Nakamaru Yuichi (Oh! It suits and the beat is cute ^O^)
Getting Back Together: Yume Miru Tsubasa by SCANDAL (Oh! It kinda suits too ^O^ Because your dream might come true *~* Well kinda far from the question)
Wedding: To Be Free by Arashi (I like it ^~^ And the song has a meaning)
Birth of Child: Freedom by NEWS (LOL! Definitely a freedom for the baby ^O^)
Final Battle: No Matter, Matter by KaT-TUN (Oh! So it no matters who win *O*)
Death Scene: Loveless by Yamaa Tomohisa (Oh *O*)
Funeral Song: Dang Dang by ZZ (Whoa! Kinda surpise *O* This was also the opening song in the anime called Eyeshield 21)
End Credits: Asterisk by Orange Range (YAY! Me like the ending ^O^ It was also the opening song in Bleach)
PS: Well I’ve done the Japanese version of this ^O^


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Tokei Jikake no Umbrella is indeed amazing. >3<