Chicken Suits and Lonely Avatars

Hello my little bubbles!~ :D


So yesterday and today were pretty crazy. Yesterday , me and my friends were walking home from my other friend , Lydia's , house. On our way there , this guy dressed in a chicken suit came out of nowhere and scared us. Im gonna be serious , I almost crapped my pants. SRSLY. He let us take a pic of him before running across the street making chicken noises.



Awesome , right!?!? XD


Anyway , do any of you know what GAIA is? Or do any of you have a Gaia account? It's this really fun site where you can meet people , play games , and a bunch of other cool stuff.


You also have your own avatar that you can design to look like anything. There are amazing and awesome items that you can put on you avatar.


I made a Gaia account in December and I only have 3 friends. All of which I don't even know in RL.


Im not saying that you HAVE to make one , just saying it would be great if you did.


You can ask me anything about Gaia and stuff like that in the comments.


If you decide to make one or have one , my username is -Names Bubbles-. 


Eat Well Rest alot & Continue chasing your dreams , bubblies!~







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