EXO and the endangered girls | application | seo hwanhui


Username: TripleA

Profile Link: my profile linkkkk.

  Ulzzang Name: Jang Haebyeol

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

Backup Ulzzang Name: Park Sora

Pictures: 1 2 3

  Personality: Hwanhui is a very introverted and quiet person, not necessarily meaning she's shy. She chooses not to talk to people, usually assuming that if they're talking to her, all that is coming out of their mouths are insults towards her. She only speaks when spoken too, and even then she sometimes keeps shut. She is always afraid of being criticized, and is very self-conscious. Hwanhui is extremely insecure about her looks especially, completely convinced that she's ugly. This results in her piling tons of make-up, caking on eyeliner and eye-shadow.


Name: Seo Hwanhui

Age: International—17, Korean—19

Birthday: 02/14/97

Grade: 10th grade

Language(s): Fluent—Korean

  Height(cm): 166 cm

Weight(kg): 48 kg

Blood Type: A

  Fashion Style:

Casual—> 1 2

Formal—> 1 2

Indoor—> 1 2


• makeup

• leather / faux-leather

• hoodies & baggy clothes

• animals (wild and pet)

• rap / hip-hop(doesn't matter language as long as theres cursing)

• ramen

• coffee

• sunglasses

• Beats by Dr.Dre

• dull colors like black, gray, forest green, etc


• neon colors

• exercise

• sashimi / sushi / raw fish

• bubble tea

• sweets

• Disney singers

• school / education

• bullies

• babies

• sharpie markers


• cracks her knuckles when nervous

• freezes up when scared

• rolling her eyes when annoyed

• emotionless face when excited

• yells out "stress" when stressed


• dancing

• clubbing (lies about age)

• watching tv

• reading manga

• eating


• she changed her name to get rid of bad memories so instead of Hwanhui (환희)she prefers to be called Seohee (서희).

• wants to get plastic surgery and completely re-do her face

• used to sneak into dance studios when they were closed to practice dancing because her parents didn't enroll her in any professional classes

• has a drinking limit of four and a half bottles

• when drunk she starts getting very touchy and initiates skinship

• used to have a pet snake, but her mother killed it

• part of the school's dancing club

• got left back twice (once in eight grade once in tenth)

• has a scar on the inner part of her thigh after she put a hot iron on it when she was a baby (looks like a skull)

• she isn't a

  Hidden traits: even though she seems like the quiet type since she does more actions than say words, she goes all-out wild when clubbing.


• irons

• E.T.

• Jigsaw (Saw series)

• fire

  Family: | Seo Hyukjoon | 34 | don't talk to each other at all, unless needed. Conversation usually only lasts thirty seconds max | Businessman | Since he's a typical blood type A, he's a very timid and cowardly person. |

| Hyun Minseo | 34 | very bad, since she is her abuser. | housewife | she's a typical B blood, her personality is very rough and demanding. |

  Abuser(s): Hyun Minseo—mother

  Their personality: She is extremely strict and a perfectionist, always fussing over every little detail. she also have a very rough and brusque personality, meaning she doesn't go out of her way to be kind to someone; not that she tries to be kind at all.

  Physical, mental, or both? Mental

  How does he/she abuse you?: She constantly talks about how usual she is in front of her face, and how she will fail in life with such a far-fetched dream. She criticizes every single thing she does, most of the time saying something along the lines of "look at that—you can't even do something as simple as that and you want to be a dancer? Dancer my ; the only thing you can do is around and sleep with every man you see." she actually inserts much more profanities, and the words are much harsher than this. Her mother is also the reason behind the many insecurities she has, as well as the reason why she misbehaves and rebels in school.

  Daily or once in a while? Daily


How do you act around him/her?: Hwanhui always tries to put up a cheerful front, to screw with her and make it seem as if her hurtful words don't affect her at all. Of course, they discourage her greatly and pain her more and more everyday. However, she makes sure to not make it obvious so her mother wouldn't get the satisfaction of knowing that she wants to drop on the floor and cry. Hwanhui also never talks around her mother, always trying her best to ignore her and shrug her off, which backfires and makes her talk to her even more.

  Do you have a dream/goal? If yes, what is it? She dreams of becoming a dancer.

  Mentors: Xiumin and Kai

Backup Mentors(same format as above): Kris and Baekhyun

  Password: Baozi~ Walkin like a baws

  Comments/Questions: nothin much :3 but good luck~!^^


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