G-6 || YOONique Entertainment (application)



Hey Hello Hi

AFF Username : Szilorsi

Profile link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/15455


More Info Please

Name : Daniel (Shin) Jeon

Age : 18

Birthdate : 14. 08. 1994

Hometown : Seattle

Ethnicity : Korean-American

Languages : English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Spanish (basic)


Say 'KimChi'

Height : 181 cm

Weight : 71 kg

Ulzzang Name : Kim Minjun

Picture Link : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Backup Ulzzang Name: Park Sangil

Picture Link : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |


About YOU

Personality: Daniel is a really hardworking boy; his philosophy is that you always have to give your all into everything you do. This often leads him to exhaust himself till no end. Daniel tries to teach this kind of work ethic to his band mates as well, earning the nickname Training Officer Jeon. He can absolutely despise people who are lazy or whiny. Sometimes he can be really outspoken (even to girls who he hates), and because of this he frequently makes people angry at him. He has a great humor, and frequently tells jokes to the people who surround him, though only when they are not training.

Before and during his trainee years he was a playboy. He still likes to flirt with girls even with those who are at his label, but he only flirts with girls that don’t have a fake personality. Daniel absolutely hates those who are fake, cutesy.

He likes to go clubbing and participate in dance and rap battles. During his trainee years he often went to clubs, though it was forbidden, proving that he can be reckless sometimes. Though he often does hasty things, he would never endanger the band’s or the member’s image because of his thoughtlessness.


Background: Born and raised in Seattle, Daniel was exposed to American culture a lot, knowing only a few things about Korea. He was only 14 when he joined the b-boy crew Art of Movement. He became good friends with Jay Park and he was the one who suggested that Daniel should audition for an entertainment company. Daniel’s parents were scared to let their boy go to Korea at the age of 16 since he barely knew any Korean back then. He pursued them and they agreed on letting him go, but his father escorted him and stayed with Daniel until he got accepted to be a trainee. Daniel first auditioned for TS Entertainment but got reject, he then auditioned for Brand New Stardom and got accepted. Daniel almost became a member of Block B, but didn’t win the final selection. Feeling disappointed, he left the company and was preparing for going back to Seattle. He got contacted by someone from YOONique Entertainment saying that they saw one of his leaked practice videos and offered him to join the company. After much contemplating Daniel accepted the offer.


  • dance
  • rap
  • kimbap
  • energy drinks
  • flirting
  • clubbing
  • his mother’s cooking
  • running


  • laziness
  • people who whine a lot
  • coffee
  • milk
  • girls who act all cutesy


  • dancing
  • listening to music
  • running
  • writing rap parts


  • outspokenness
  • recklessness


  • he’s still considered to be a member of Art of Movement, but rarely performs with them
  • his role models are Epik High and Dynamic Duo
  • he has a crush on CL
  • has one earring in his right ear and an industrial piercing in his left one



  • b-boying
  • rapping
  • writing lyrics



Family :

Jeon Ilhoon || 47 || Father || Dentist || Alive || Workaholic, easy going

Grace Wilson || 47 || Mother || Chef at a popular restaurant in Seattle || Alive || Perfectionist, constantly worries about the smallest thing.

Friends :

|| Kim Yu Kwon (U-kwon) || Singer || Funny, innocent, random.

Best friends:

|| Jay Park || Singer || Really funny and friendly || They were members of the same dance crew

Rivals : -



Stage name: X-treme


Leader || Main rapper

Main Dancer || Sub- rapper

Main Singer   || Sub - rapper

Lead Dancer || Sub - singer

Lead Singer || Sub -  dancer

Lead rapper || Sub – singer


Persona : Honest Playboy

FanClub name: Xtremists

FanClub Colour:                    


Lastly :

Anything else? : -

Comments : -

Suggestions: The debut song could be Yesterday by Dynamic Black.

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joanna_227 #1
I was suprised by the picture of Daniel, Min Jun looks a lot like Lee Min Ho =O