Happy New Year


[Happy New Year]

I would like to apologize for not been here. College take all my time with hospital checks every week :/ I really miss u all guys talking to u make me really happy I remember the first time I come here it was my first RP ever. I was soooo excited and still knowing that I will meet each day a new person, But now everything change, people go and never back, new people,  a lot fell bored, no one talk to each other like before OMG what happened I missed that days that makes me happy, the friends that I stay late for. I really miss my cutie Kevin, our fights, our love talk everything just to be with her make my day, we used to stay late for each other just to talk but now college change us. I miss all my friends here so

Kevin,  Yoochun ,  Dongwoo, Ren,  Sunggyu, Doojoon, Wooyoung, Daehyun, Karam, Siwon, Youngmin, U-Kwon , Jaejoong, Ryeowook , Zhou mi, Changjo , Amber, Chanho, Lee So Aah,

Thank u for making 2012 a happy year. I am thanking u as Hangeng and ammm my other character. I can`t tell u or u would hate me.

I  will try my best to login a lot.

bye for now.




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____ I did spit my drink right on my pc when I read "I can't tell u or u would hate me." I found it out and still don't hate you but I remember that I was pretty mad at you xD
I am not mad anymore.
Happy new year and just so you know you also made my year better :D
Aww happy new year to you as well <3 I hope you've been doing well.
omo, you remember me? *.* *bows*