School Orientation

Hello everyone, today I want to orientation for school and let me tell you about it through the power of gifs and macros.



I'm in the car with my mom going to orientation listening to my mp3 player. We stop at the red light and I look at the road ahead and got the image of Taeyang dancing in the middle of the street to Where U At:

(IDK why though lol)

So I get to school at 8:45am and go into the building to get my schedule. I got my schedule and went to homeroom then found out it was the wrong room so I went to my real homeroom.

I wasn't sure if I was in the right place so I peeked in like:

The teacher seen me and told me to come in then I see my girl and guy bestfriend and I'm like:

So we're talking and laughing and the teacher hands us the school handbook. So we look at it and go to the page about uniforms. The paper said no skinny jeans or tight fitted jeans and I cheered so loud. Because they said nothing about regular jeans itself and that's what I had :D

So we leave homeroom and I find out that for first period and for the rest of my classes I have with my bestfriend Ashley :

Then I see that the girl I don't like is in my first period (United American History):

(Well it's just for 1 period right?)

Then I find out she's in all my classes:

(Oh God this is going to be so bad)

Okay before we move on let me tell you about her. I'm not the type of person to just not like someone so when I say i don't like a person there's a reason for it.

I tried to be friends with her but we just end up getting into arguements. This happenes because she always has something rude to say and she just has an ugly personality which I don't mix with. I know you might be like so just ignore her but it's hard to and I'm not one to take rudeness well.

Don't get the wrong impression I'm a really nice person and even though we don't get along I try to be nice to her beacuse she's friends with one of my bestfriends. Other than that I DON'T LIKE HER. And for some reason she thinks we're cool with each other when truth is I want NOTHING TO DO WIITH HER.

So she's like "LEAHHH!!! HEYY LEAHH!!!"

And I'm like "Hey" with this expression:

So she keeps calling my name and trying to talk to me and I'm like:

(This year will be bad...really bad)

So we go to the next class which is spanish and it's a new spanish teacher and I'm looking at her like:

I don't why though cause she's my homeroom teacher so I don't know why I did that.

Anyway next class I had no idea where to go because it was one of my electives so i was standing in the hall when I found a teacher who was helping my friend.

So I followed them and he opened one of the class room doors and there I saw him....

I was like OMGGGG!!!! :

The kid who looks like JAY PARK!!!!!!!! OMG he's really cute and not even cause he looks like Jae. He was just looking like:

And inside I was like:

(Oh my Jesus I haven't seen u for a whole summer, too bad I can't see you at lunch anymore)

Anyway onto to 4th period which is English.

I seen my bestfriend Samone in that class and was like:

Then the teacher was talking like:

I was like:

that's pretty much what happened for that period and now on to 5th period Biology.

In the hallway I seen this dude and I think you already know that I like that dude so I was like:


but inside I was like:

lol :D

I went in and my bestfriend Chris was there and I was so happy like:

I love that guy he cracks me up all the time haha :D

Then the girl I don't like came in and was like "LEAHH WHY YOU DIDN'T WAIT FOR ME" then she tapped me in the head with a umbrella.

This is me:

I was really about to get up and be like:

Or curse her out but because I'm trying to stop bad langue use... I held back. Yes I had a very bad potty mouth so i'm trying to stop saying those kind of words.  My motivation is if my favorite kpop idol dosen't curse then neither will I :)

Then she sat down and was still talking to me "LEAH WHY DIDN'T YOU WAIT...YOU HERE ME TALKING TO YOU...SO YOU'RE GOING TO INGNORE ME!!"

I'm like:

Anyway now it's on to last period where I almost died.

They were all talking so loud and again I was bothered by that girl and I'm just like:

Then I realize that this is just orientation and not even school...i have to deal with this all year.

But it's whatever I'll still have a good year wether she's there or no so I'M GOOD. So that was my starts tomorrow :D

Thanks for reading xD


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Thank you for your words :D i hope that she will be less of a bother to me over the next couple of weeks. 4 years is a very long time... :( but hopefully does people won't bother you either.
Starlightshine #2
The GIFs make this a rather funny post (though I really should be sympathizing...)~ Ah I know what you mean, I know people like the girl you don't like... Those people really get on my nerves with their attitude and behaviour. And the worst thing? They don't even know it and think that we're really good friends -.-" which couldn't be further from the truth. Hope this year gets better for you, and maybe next year you don't have to see her again! (I see those people I dislike for 4 years though T.T)