Stop Lynas Save Malaysia !!


The Australian government has not permitted the Rare Earth procesing company Lynas Corp.

The reasons for not giving permisson to the company to run it's operations in Australia is because it is dangerous.

So this comapany came to Malaysia and was blessed by the government.

They were given 12 years free tax and so much more .

The government has been spreading faulse news through government owned newspapers and TV companies saying that Lynas is safe to operate while showing a picture that shows some people holding and touching the processed rare earth.

I agree. The rare earth is indeed safe. But how about the waste ? Is it safe ?

No. It isn't.

The waste contains radioactive material that can damage the forests that are surrounding the area.

_971330577362.jpg                                                                                 This article explains everything. Everything you need to know about this stupid project that doesn't benefit anyone except for the stuid company and some stupid administration. Please read the above poster .

There was a similar plant that was run by Mitsubishi Chemicals. It was closed in 1992 due to violent protests. Since then , Mitsubishi Chemicals has took responsibility and has given compensation to the affected families and has since then been clearing up the site. 

Mitsubishi Chemicals has to cut down hills to plant the wastage so that no one will be affected.

So,why can't the government learn from past mistakes ?

Is the government doing this for money and the cronies?


And peaceful protests are now held . The company has promised  to bringt he wastage back to Australia to plant the wastage there.

But the government of Australia has not permitted Lynas Corp to do so. 

And the wastage will stay in Malaysia. And that meanswe wil soon face some serious problems .

I will update more on this later. :D

Stop Lynas Save Malaysia  Watch this video. An Australian that loves Malaysia. There are subtitles in English because he is talking in Malaysian.


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knape x bsing sgt pun?
sorry2, but sy tinggal kt klantan ==''
kenape ni? x faham sangatla. hehe :3
Good luck defending Malaysia!! HWAITING CHINGU!!!! :))
WHAT?!?! I am already aware of this..... My country..... I hope nothing happens!!! My poor Malaysia.. Unnie, lets defend our country!!! T~T