



IT'S 4:59AM.....................




WHAT AM I DOING UP THIS LATE............????









Well I'm doing a BUNCH of NOTHING !!!!!



Yes I have no clue why I'm still up at this hour....it make no sense. I guess it's cause I can't sleep and when I can't sleep I writr pointless things like this so yeahh.....


I should be working on my fanfic on both of them actually so I'll share my progress on that now.


So for my 1st fanfic Lies, I will be putting an update up soon I still have a lot of things to work out in the next chapter. But then again I'm thinking of doing 3 updates in 1 day which means no update for a week and I really dispise doing that :(


So for my 2nd fanfic This Love....I will have an update for that coming really soon like soon soon. I haven't updated that one for a while and I feel so bad for not updating :( I been so busy with trying to finsih my first story that I didn't have time to finish a chapter yet and then I have school.


Ughh so fustrating when I want to update but can't but  I wil.



So that's enough of that let's talk about life shall we???



School is starting on Thursday of me and I can't wait!!!! So I'm happy for that eventhough I haven't read all my summer books 0.o but I will be okay.


It was labor day yesterday and I went to a cook out so that was fun...


And on Sunday I went to church which was good.


And now today I shall go to the hair salon *jumps and claps*  well not at this time but when everyone wakes haha.


Then I will see how I look in my uniform :) Speaking of uniform I'll describe mine to you.

Black pants (mine our black jeans which we are not supposed to have... hints the word PANTS but hopefully no one pays attention kekeke ^^)

Blue Uniform Shirt with our schools logo on it (logo is a boat)

Black Shoes or Sneakers (I have all black converse high tops I really wanted vans though)

And I have a black hoddie and that completes my uniform.

Of course there's other things like accessories...maybe I'll take a picture sometime....



Okay enough of my rambaling i'll go to bed now...... 



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no we don't just the uniform shirt and pants
do you guys have to wear jumper??
My school is starting a new uniform rules, i just found out today but I hope the shoes don't change
your so lucky can wear traniers or converse..
our school rules are strict.