*I'm sorry but I really have to vent right now*

MY GUMS ARE FREAKING KILLING ME!!!! So my dentist decided that for some STUPID TWISTED reason that I of all people should get a hardcore teeth cleaning...

WHY IN THE HELL WOULD I NEED A FREAKING SCRUB DOWN ON MY FREAKING TEETH?!?!? They are perfectly fine!! They litterally scraped each and every one of my teeth with the extremely sharp thingy-thing, then they decided just for the heck of it that they should also clean my gums. My freaking gums. -___- Apparently the nurse was portraying (or however you spell it) the HULK 'cause she sure as hell acted like it! MY GUMS WERE LITERALLY BLEEDING TO DEATH!

Stupid. Mother. er.

OK. I'm done...

P.S. I'm usually not like this. I'm actually a really nice and loving person. But no, somebody wanted to push my freaking buttons. So I unleashed the beast.


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Phoennix #1
I love dentists, am I the only one??
jimeulk #2
Ugh I hate the dentists D: they made my gas bleed too orz
Chirimasa #3
reading this made me cringe because i hate the dentist so much T-T