Cyberbullying: Help us Report a Troll and Poser

Troll Alert

So there's this guy harassing my friend, AcidBlackCherry96 on facebook. He's a roleplayer of A-Jax' Jaehyung ang X-5's Zin. There's this Se Hoon RP who have insulted him when AcidBlackCherry96 posted his picture. Now we confronted this Se Hoon, but he didn't stop. This happened yesterday.

Earlier this afternoon, we saw someone impersonating AcidBlackCherry96 on facebook. The troll posted my friend's pic on a certain group, stating that it was his. Well it was that troll, Se Hoon. It was exactly the same as his account. It got everything identical. The profle picture, cover photo, even the name [Nappeun Seo Jaehyung] Later we confrotned him again as AcidBlackCherry96 changed his roleplayer name. Afterwards, the troll then copied him once again and changed to Ouroboros Zin Hyunjin. He was there spamming the post and not even showing a hint of mercy towards my friend. 

Please help us report him. Click here for the link.


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My sanity is at stake here ;AAA;