Mirry Krismas~!

  R Y   M A S




I hope everyone has a fun time this Christmas! Although I know many of you do not celebrate Christmas because of religion matters or culture but still, I hope everyone has a good day today. I actually don't celebrate Christmas, xD. But oh well...Anyways, I just hope everyone spends time with their family, enjoying their time, giving cheers and laughter. It's just my opinion but if you guys celebrate Christmas, you should spend time with your family and get off the internet LOL but really, just do whatever that you'll enjoy. Did you open your presents yet? :3 Tell me what you got~ I got a present from my friend, Michelle (who lives 123781231823098029830981023 hours away from me) and money from my mum and sister :D Sweet, isn't it? :3 Well, tell me what you guys got if you want to~ Anywho, I'm just wishing that no one will be sad today and hopefully have a good time. Merry Christmas all <3



Since it's Christmas, I'd just like to do some quick long shoutouts :3


Girl, we're skyping right now LOL. All nighter~<\3 Okay, well, honestly, I have no idea what to say...Seriously...there's Myungsoo under your covers We've written soooo much letters in the past months that basically explained (vague) Arielle LOL. But I'd just like to say, Thank you. That present that you shipped me? Literally killed me for days. EXOK postcards, sincere letters, necklace with an A, notecards, etc. You killed me, really T.T What's ironic is that I got no presents from my friends that live 5 minutes away from me but I got a present from you, someone who lives 01983012839120912 hours away from me. That's sad to say, tbh. LOL. But I feel special, <3 You saw my reaction when I recieved the box e.e I died and then forgot how to breathe omg. I cried for like 0928301823 hours. Thank you, seriously Michelle. I hope my present that I shipped you today will arrive soon without any problems :3 Although I regret something that I added in the box...a letter that I think I said a little bit too much ._. We went through sooooooo much emotional wrecks LOL (Like yesterday) but seroiusly, that's why we're Arielle, that's why our friendship is steele and is very very very very very very x19238719237 unique :3 We have so many insiders LOLOLOL Anywho, Arielle will last forever! <3 Merry Christmas and hope you have fun :) Love you not and hope all your wishes will come true~<\3


(this will take you two seconds to read) JEWWWWEEEELLLLLLL, you perfect goddess LOL. Anyways xD I hope you have a wonderful time today! Maybe your wishes will come true and Kim Heechul will stand outside your door with flowers! No, seriously, that would be so cool LOL. Anywho, even though we don't have lots of long conversation like we used to anymore, remember that you can IM me anytime! Thank you for all that you've done for me, seriously, I've done like nothing for you and everytime I indirectly or directly ask for help, you just magically know the answer LOL. And hey, who knows? Xiumin and Himchan might be in the box too :3 By the way, you should take a break, Jewell! Everyone, stop requesting stories/chapters and comment/subscribe more D:< Appreciate Jewell more, sheesh! U_U Anywho, it's Christmas! Have fun and don't work too hard~ Merry Christmas ^^


MAMA CRAAABIE~ Did you open your presents yet? There's Gongchan and Onew inside  I hope you have fun today, Crab. I should call you Fab now tbh. fABby GABbY. I don't even know what to say tbh. Oh, Gabbie, thanks. Thank you for being there for me when I need you ^o^ Whenever I was down and had that 'what is life moments' you were always there to talk to me :3 And I know that I'm 10923801830123 years younger than you but hey, I'm always here if you ever need someone to talk to ^_^ I hope you have fun with your awesem dad and your awesem family, qurl<3 Merry Christmas and don't stress about anything~


YOYOYOOYOYOYOGNENEGNENGENGNEGNEGNNGEN. Omg, duDE WE ARE COOL O K A Y. srsly. imus, XO, RP, allthoseedthingsokAY we make no sense wtf. Anyways, look under your bed, there's Kyuhyun and Sandeul waiting for you, . ANYWAAAAYSSSS, I don't know what to write here omg. Okay, well, uh uH HOPE YOU HAVE FUN AND HOPE GENDEUL WORKS OUT AND THEY MUAH AND BBY AND IT'S A GIRL! AND YOU GUYS HAVE A BBYSHOWER AND THEN I AM INVITED AND THEN YOU INVITE ME TO YOUR BBBYSHOWER AND THEN WE MEET AND THEN YOU CHEAT ON SANDY WITH ME AND BOOM DIVORCE AND-- I mean, Merry Christmas and I hope you have fun :) <3



There's other people that I'd like to shoutout to, like Kevin, Nikki, Kuz, Oz, Ash, Karen, Steph, Cierra, Gamja, Alisha, and others but yeah, too lazy to write a para so um Merry Christmas and hope everyone has fun :D Stay safe~


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Merry Christmas!<3