
So recently, I got myself a part-time job.

Actually, it was me and my friend who applied for it, but my friend got the job instead. It's okay, I'm not that desperate for a job.

My friend needed someone to cover for her because she's busy so asked me to do it, and being the nice girl I always am (someone please brick my ego), I agreed. The boss also hired me so I can cover for my friend if she's unavailable or she can cover for me if I'm unavailable.

The job was fun, the boss was nice and the pay was quite good for someone like me, since I'm 15-year-old. The only problem was the distance and the working hours. I live quite far and my work place is at town. I end at earliest 9.30pm and latest 11pm so by the time I reach home, it's around 12am.

I was supposed to work today, but I fell sick last night after returning from work. I've caught a terrible flu and my nose bled non-stop and I woke up with a scratchy throat too. :( It's getting better after having some medicines this morning though.

My friend kindly covered for me despite her busy schedules and I'm super grateful for her >_< I told my boss last night and she seemed okay with it but earlier today, my friend told me that my boss is angry and moody for the whole day. She also told me that she will nag at me tomorrow when I go for work so I better be prepared.

Ah, ottokae.. :(

Knowing myself, I can't stand getting scolded, I'll cry or something. I'm afraid that I'll cry if my boss really scolds me. But I can't help it, I can't choose to be sick or not. At least I'm working on Christmas >_<

I'm afraid to go for work tomorrow :( -sigh-



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