` ♡ it has to be love┊❝Shim Hyun Rim❞









  (Shim Hyun Rim) (  ) 





you got that one thing

 aff name: rainingscenarios

 what should i call you: TD

 active: 1o


what makes you beautiful

 ulzzang's name: Jung Bo Ra

 ulzzang links: h e r e !

 back up ulzzang: Park Bo Ram

 back up ulzzang's links: he r e !


height & weight: 158 cm, 40 kg

 style: Simple and clean. Comfy and cute. More e x a m p l e s . Effortlessly, this style is easily pulled off with following the newest trends, and getting very similar pieces together. It's actually one of those styles with the cute clothes that look cute, and not y. It is pretty simpliefied too. Probably something you do see everyday, but not pulled off exactly like this.

 extra(s): Ear piercings 


what makes you beautiful

 name: Shim Hyun Rim

 nicknames: n/a

 birthday: 27/12/1992

 age: 19

 ethnicity: Korean, Japanese

 birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

 hometown: Seoul, South Korea

 languages: Korean


nobody compares to you

 personality: Hyun Rim is a brave girl who has her unnoticable perks. She can be a bit of a handful, but quite enjoyable too. Although at first, she can be a shy and cold, she's real nice once she gets more comfortable. 

Hyun Rim is stubborn and is not the best at everything, which results her always getting into small arguements. She can also feel real awkward at some weird moments and not do something right away, even thought she knows she's supposed to, just because of the awkward feeling.

People look up to her because she is very determined. She's a hardworking girl and is somewhat sleep deprived, because she is always into somes sort of project. Whether it be making a meal for guests, cleaning the house, studying for no reason, or organizing something, Hyun Rim gets very into things and always strives to get to the top. Which is, frankly, quite contridicting since she is lazy.

Having her pros and cons, Hyun Rim has lost a few close friends due to her different attitude. Nothing is ever intentional when it comes to this, people just become butthurt towards Hyun Rim and give up. Hyun Rim is apparently just too different for some people.

She can be a bit bossy, too kind, lazy, and a bit of a show off. Although she's not the "bad guy", she tends to acknowledge herself as a "horrible person" a lot when she notices all the flaws she's created/done.

You can make Hyun Rim cry easily, but because her view of things is fragile and she is actually very delicate behind her bravery. She tends to be carefree, but when trouble actually strikes and hits her, she will hide her face and act as if there are no tears coming down at ease.

Hyun Rim also overreacts during happiness. She will cry of joy, scream, and jump too much with a smile when someone is very generous and does something nice that she was never expecting. 

 likes: (7+)

  • Tangerines
  • Strawberries
  • Sleep
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Road Trips
  • Organizing
  • Art
  • Guests
  • Projects
  • Internet access


 dislikes: (7+)

  • Being told what to do
  • Shivering cold
  • Suddenly forgetting something
  • Annoying pests
  • Disasters
  • Not being trusted
  • Very bright lights
  • No internet access
  • Haunted places

 hobbies: (5+)

  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Exercising
  • Writing
  • Studying
  • Shopping 

 habits: (5+)

  • Stuttering when nervous
  • Biting nails
  • Clapping once loudly to prove a point
  • Pointing
  • If on floor, rolling around
  • Falling off bed

 trivias: -Never been in a relationship except for previous one -Prefers clamshell phones over newer models


we make up then break up

 family background: As a child, Hyun Rim never favored her father and was always attatched to her mother. The family was middle class, and didnt have many money problems just like the next family. Hyun Rim was real close to her younger brother, they were practically best friends. When it came to family things altogether, there was pretty much nothing. Parents were too busy with work while Hyun Rim was always into her studies. 

When it came to who knew who best, of course Hyun Rim and Jae Sun (brother) knew each other the best! Mizuki (mother) knew her kids just good enough, but Kang Dae (father) knew nothing about Hyun Rim and Jae Sun due to lack of communication.

Kang Dae had always creeped out Hyun Rim as a child, the reason behind her distance with him. She never really wanted to talk to him, and just didn't like at all how he would talk and treat her.

Mizuki was always a caring mother with her respective knowledge for when to talk to Hyun Rim (since she was always so busy studying as a child). They did have their conversations tho, close conversations.

Jae Sun is about a year and four days younger than Hyun Rim, so they do have a connective bond. They were like best friends, even as siblings. You could even somewhat mistaken them for unseperable twins because of thier obvious close connection. When Hyun Rim wasn't busy studying, she'd help Jae Sun with his homework and then they'd end up talking about their life or play a game.

When Hyun Rim was 13, her father died. Hyun Rim really did not shed as many tears as anyone because of how strong she was, and always because she lacked communication with him.

 family: Fahter | Shim Kang Dae | 54 | Police Man | Smart, Caring, Stubborn, Weird | Dead, Mother | Shim (Nagato) Mizuki | 54 | Barista | Loving, Logical, Selfless, Hardworking | Alive, Brother | Shim Jae Sun | 20 | Student at Seoul Institute of the Arts | Alive

 friends: Close Friend | Lee Donghae | 23 | Pianist | Sweet Kind Generous Determined | At a cafe since they both ordered the same drink and only one was made, Best Friend | Jessica Jung | 21 | Model | Cute Nice Comical Airhead | Childhood friend

rival:  n/a


it's gotta be you, only you

love interest one: Jonghyun (SHINee)

personality & how you met: He is a charismatic gentleman, that is for sure. Being as kind and generous as he is, Jonghyun can also be a bit stubborn and is awkwardly enough both the teaser and the teased. Jonghyun is real sweet and is sure to make any girl to fall for him in under two seconds flat with that smile of his. He's a guy who knows how to treat people and is really respective.

To Hyun Rim, he sticks out. Out of the crowd, that is. | When Hyun Rim was at the library, she chose a book just the same time Jonghyun did. And the exact book. With that, they instantly started talking.

love interest two:  Baekhyun (EXO)

personality & how you met: Baekhyun is a kind bright person who is determined. Being himself, he does stick out the crowd a bit for being so social! | Baekhyun was challenged by his friends to go around and talk to girls with no care, and so if he could find a cute one. And in time, he found Hyun Rim! Being as friendly as he is, they became friends and it went on from there.


wasn't ready to hear you say goodbye

suggestions: n/a

comments: n/a

password: (i chose one of the many pictures of yongseo in my otp pictures folder k)


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