A Problem

So guys..... I know I've been lacking with my stories, and I am truly sorry. I just have one small problem, but It will be fixed soon. Well I'm going to be writing a story off of AFF for school and a friend. Now I'll still update stories, just on the weekends or when I have time.

Don't be sad though cause If I get good feedback of this story, I'll make it a Fanfic...

I should probably tell you what this story is about. Well it's about a 17 year old boy, who was forced to kill his girlfriend in order to save his family. After suffering from guilt and depression, his girlfriend starts to show herself and interact with him even though she is dead. He soon comes across a video that can get the boys who forced him to kill his girlfriend, put in jail. He reveals the video before he himself, commits suicide..

Pretty sad huh... But I'm sure it will be pretty good. Once again sorry guys.

 Merry Christmas ^^


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