About the author.



► Name ➔ Uhm, I don't feel safe revealing my name on AFF...
► Will you answer all questions truthfully ➔ Yeap!
► Are you single ➔ Y FREE AND SINGLE I'M READY TO BINGO (I don't even know how SM came up w/ such horrible lyrics for suju)
► Are you happy ➔ NO, i feel like dying bcos my throat hurts so ing bad. Did someone made a voodoo doll of me and stabbed my throat...?

► Are you Italian ➔  No
► Are you German ➔ No
► Are you Asian ➔ Yes
► Are you angry? ➔ Currently nope...

► Are you Irish ➔ No
► Are your parents still married ➔ Yes

► Birth Place ➔ Singapore
► Hair Color ➔ Black
► Eye Color ➔ Dark brown 
► Birthday ➔ 1st April (Easter day for some of you out there. But in my country, it's April's Fool Day. What a horrible day to be born on...)
► Mood ➔ Terrible, bcos my throat is killing me.
► Gender ➔ Female
► Lefty or Righty ➔ Righty (I tried writing with my left hand a few times, and my handwriting looks way more ugly than that of a kindergarten kid)
► Summer or winter ➔ Winter (I don't even have winter in my country...it's pathetic. When other country is snowing, my country is raining.)

► Morning or afternoon ➔ Morning

► Are you in love ➔ Is being in love with more than 10 people that don't even know my existence counted?
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Uhm...yes? I don't really know. Probably not...
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Me. He's a ing .
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Yes. But then... he probably doesn't even have a heart to begin with.
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Sort of.

► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ No...
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Yes, and it wasn't even all sweet and lovely. He's a creep.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Nope.

► Love or lust ➔ Uhm...if I can only choose one, I would say love. but can I have both?
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced tea. Lemonade always leaves this tingling feeling on my tongue, it's disgusting.
► Cats or Dogs ➔ DOGS. Most cats look really evil to me.
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends
► Television or internet ➔ internet. I don't even watch the television, unless on fridays where I watch Music Bank.
► Pepsi or Coke ➔ Neither. I absolutely hate fizzy drinks...
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Romantic night in

► Day or night ➔ Night. I'm an owl honestly..
► IM or Phone ➔ Phone 

► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Nope
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Yes, at school. LOL. I'm really clumsy...I have even tripped on my own feet last time.
► White water rafted ➔ Nope, but I want to try it once. 
► Finished an entire jawbreaker ➔ Nope, I don't even remember if I ever tried, maybe I did when I was a kid.
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yes, I want all my biases.

► Prank called a store ➔ No... I prank called the police with my brother when I was a kid... Don't even know where those guts came from.
► Skipped school ➔ Yes... It happened a lot this year. I was going through a difficult time. I was brought to counselling, the vice-pricipal's office, and also the pricipal's office. Teachers even came to my house to find out what was happening... I basically shut myself out of the world. Not that I'm proud of any of these. 

► Wanted to disappear ➔ Yes, whenever I'm in school.

► Smile or eyes ➔ Eyes eyes eyes.... But it would be nice if he/she has a lovely smile too.
► Light or dark hair ➔ Doesn’t matter, it just has to be clean. LOL.
► Fat or skinny ➔ Healthy
► Shorter or Taller ➔ For me...males should be taller. And it doesn't matter for females
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ both 

► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ relationship
► Funny and poor OR rich and serious ➔ Can I have funny and serious...? I don't really care if he/she if rich or poor, I simply don't see how that matters in a relationship.

► Last Phone Call ➔ 15/12/2012. I don't really like receiving calls or calling someone. I text more.

► Last phone call you received ➔ ^
► Last person you hung out with ➔ My dearest elder sister.

► Last thing you ate ➔ Butter cookies. I'm having a sore throat yet I'm still eating this...I just can't resist myself. It's like staring at me in my fridge...
► Last thing you drank ➔ water
► Last site you went to ➔ tumblr
► Last place you were ➔ kitchen. It's where all the magic happens.

► Are you in a committed relationship ➔ no

► When was your last relationship ➔ I can't remember exactly when, but it's a longggg time ago.
► Do you still love them ➔ HELL NO, i never did anyway. I don't even know why I got in a relationship with him in the first place. I was dumb. And we managed to drag the relationship for almost a year. That was the most horrible period of my life. 

► Do you and your family get along  ➔ Yes, except for my dad. I don't even remember when was the last time I had an actual conversation with him... Probably years ago when I was a kid. There are times where I wished that my mum had married to someone else. I know i know...If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here. But, many terrible things had happened...
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ yes sometimes
► Have you ever run away from home ➔ no
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ no
► If so, how long ➔ -


► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ ONE?! ROFL. There's more than one. 
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ nope
► Who are/is your best friend(s): Josephine. One and only best 

► Who knows everything about you ➔ My elder sister. I wouldn't say everything, but she knows me best. I'm really blessed to have her in my life. If it weren't for her, I don't even think I will be here right now.





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You and your sister must have a really close relationship. That's nice. And I couldn't agree more with you with Internet over tv. So much better. Although sbs popasia is good fun.

Can I answer these too?