Answer w 3 words (from...hermelyn0497)

1. Where is your cell phone?

In my pocket.


2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?

I don’t have.


3. Hair?

Brown right now


4. Your mother?

She is working


5. Your father?

He is sleeping


6. Your favorite item?

My own computer


7. Your dream last night?

Me and Daehyun were married (eheh *sigh* that dream was the best *smiles*) 


8. Your favorite drink?


Natural orange juice


9. Your dream guy/girl?



10. The room you are in?


In my bedroom.


11. Your fear?


I can’t tell (because has more than 3 words but is “Lose everyone I love”)


12. What do you want to be in 10 years?


I don't know


13. Who did you hang out with last night?


My old friend.


14. What are you not?


I’m not crazy (ahah lol…I don’t know what to say :p)


15. Are you in love?


No, I’m not


16. One of your wish list items


Just K-pop cds


17. The last thing you did?


I woke up (eheh :p)


18. What are you wearing?

Now, my pajamas 


19. Your favorite book?


I have many


20. The last thing you ate?


Today? Nothing, sorry


21. Your life?


It’s not interesting


22. Your friends?


Crazy like me (ahahah I love them)


 23. What are you thinking about right now?


Ideas for fanfics


24. Your car?


I don't have 


26. What are you doing at this moment?


Typing, typing, typing


27. Your summer?


It’s winter here


28. Your relationship status?


Right now SINGLE


29. What is on your TV screen?


Right now, nothing (the tv is off ahah)


30. When is the last time you laughed?


In this moment


31. Last time you cried?


I don’t know



Maybe next time


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