What if your ex says these to you ?

Eventhough I never date a boy before, but I will do this ^^


What if your ex says these to you?


1. Hi ! How are you ? We haven't talked for a while. Oh, hi. So, you still remember me ?


2. You wanna hang out with my peeps and I ? No, thank you.


3. I LOVE YOU... Thank you but I've heard you said that to many girls already.


4.Do you want some cookie ? No, thanks. I prefer my mom's homemade cookie.


5. Let's take a photo together ! For what ?

6.Help me with my homework ? Okay.


7.Here's my gift for you ! I don't take gift from someone else, sorry.


8.Let's just text, arasseo ? No problem


9.Want me to buy you an iPod ? No, thanks. I already have one.

10.Let's sit together in the bus later ? No, I want to sit alone.


11. Hi Baby ! Baby your face.


Got this from MurderousIntent ^^


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inspirit4L-4ever #1
id punch him right on his nose if he says any of these
Ahahahaha... idk what will I say since I don't have an ex..
Can i copy this? sure will credit you^^
'Hi Baby - Baby your face' Hahahaa, I would say that to my ex
WooUShippers #5
you look so.....harsh? ouo
but i love your answers XD
I would probably say something like this XD
hahahahah xD i love responses like these i'm even joking!