What if your ex say this to you? Stolen...


What if your ex says these to you?
1. Hi! How are you? We haven't talked for a while.
Yeah I know.
2. You wanna hang out with my peeps and I?
Not really but since I'm bored sure.
3. I LOVE YOU...
I love you too friend.
4.Do you want some cookie
Yes but not from you. But I'll take some from your mom.
5. Let's take a photo together!
Okay. Sure.
6.Help me with my homework?
Sure I'm always willing to help a friend.
7.Here's my gift for you!
Thanks but you didn't have too.
8.Let's just text, arasseo?
Sure, I don't care anymore.
9.Want me to buy you an iPod?
I have one already and a iPad, but whatever floats your boat. And I want a blue DongHae cover.
10.Let's sit together in the bus later?
Okay, I'm not bitter.
11. Hi Baby!
Hey, Boo. 
[p/s: I'm happy that wouldn't be so bitter about it. ]



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